Home Immigration 1 YEAR in PORTUGAL! Looking back on why we moved here and how we feel now

1 YEAR in PORTUGAL! Looking back on why we moved here and how we feel now

1 YEAR in PORTUGAL! Looking back on why we moved here and how we feel now

We moved to Lisbon Portugal from Austin Texas a year ago, without having visited before. In this video, we’re revisiting our original video we published where we listed 10 reasons for moving, and discussing what we got right and what we got wrong.

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// ABOUT US //
Dan and Michelle are travel writers and owners of HoneymoonAlways.com. We both left our corporate digital tech careers and sold our home in Austin Texas to live in Portugal to be able to work full time on our honeymoon travel website.


Follow along @honeymoonalways

// TRAVEL //
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0:00 Start
0:56 Cost of living
4:54 Healthcare
6:29 Climate
6:59 Travel opportunities
8:17 Ease of getting a visa
9:28 Safety
10:11 Community
11:19 Lifestyle
16:34 Language
18:07 Time with family
18:59 How we’ve changed
23:01 What we wish we’d known



  1. Sorry for your experience with our immigration services, but from my personal experience that the US immigration services are no must better. Portugal is far away from being perfect. I hope you enjoy living here and feel our country, your country, despite all the cultural differences.

  2. I'm happy to hear that you two have had a positive experience to date in Portugal. As a portuguese living in Canada since childhood, l continue to plan to move back but l guess l don't have the sense of adventure you all have. My wife and I are headed to Lisbon in a week and staying neat Obidos. We'll see where this takes us. Cheers

  3. Thanks for being honest and sharing how you have grown through this process. Glad to see you willing to move forward with your lives and go after what you want. A positive attitude, smile, and just being understanding and nice brings you the same in return. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Hey guys, I was wondering if you would have time for a beer. I will be back in Lisbon in early. I would really appreciate it, since you now really have a good feel for the city. I met with Kalie and Josh in Porto in June.

  5. As someone who has lived in Lisbon for the past year as well, I could not agree more with all of the points you stated in your video. It's true that there are MANY pros to living here, but there are also some big cons…bureaucracy being one of the biggest of them. Thanks for the honesty and for sharing an accurate depiction of life here. All great information.

  6. We are retired and from the UK we have been in Tavira 3 months and love it. Life is so chilled out and Portuguese people always seem to be happy. We have been lucky when we have had to deal with bureaucracy it has always been pretty smooth. I love your videos and got loads of really helpful information towards going for our D7 visa before we moved here. Thank you.

  7. I am just here to be jealous and hate on you :-p This video was great, yesterday was the first time the USA got a rise out of me in 2 months. I used to be angry all the time. I’m hoping to keep that going and keep growing more calm.

  8. Appreciate your update and amusing stories. And also your graciousness in experiencing the differences in culture. As a Canadian who has traveled and worked outside Canada, it has all been a grand learning about others but so much learning about Canadian culture and how I experience the world from that perspective.

  9. Hello kiwi here. Re your dealings with bureaucracy there compared to the USA – it may be worth talking to some people who have had to deal with US immigration/Homeland Security/etc in the USA (and I am referring to "regular tourists/legit visa holders" not illegal immigrants etc). Unfortunately, the USA has got notably worse post-911 and many people I know from Australia/NZ etc will try and avoid flying via the USA due to the heavy-handed and bureaucratic treatment that non-US passport holders get on arrival (and I have been travelling to the USA since 1978).

  10. Thank you Dan and Michelle for this recent reaffirming post! We have followed you from the beginning and though never compelled to comment before, do want to express appreciation on your “growth “ and your evaluations. On a 10 day Christmas vacation to Portugal specifically to explore retirement possibilities we experienced many of these same thoughts you have now just confirmed: English was universal, the people (strangers) were gracious and accommodating, and indeed, the “lifestyle” one is accustomed to will remain with you! ( but apples to apples – or dollars to euros; you’re still coming out cheaper!) 😉. So, thank you again for the affirmation. We can’t wait to our next Portuguese exploration!
    BTW: congratulations on your beautiful new apartment!👍🏼

  11. I was born in Lisbon Portugal, I miss Portugal , live in the USA since 1985. Since then, I only visit Portugal, 4 times, I love aveiro, and Lisbon, but I will prefer to live in Tampa Florida, my home, my paradise place.

  12. Awww, love you guys. Thanks so much for your insightful and honest shares. Yes, we're all going to have different experiences but hopefully the viewers will see what is possible for themselves personally to make their own informed decisions. Like you, we are nearly completing one year here and we've had similar experiences with different institutions–some great, some good, some challenges. But overall, we are so grateful to be here. Hugs to you both.

  13. Ridiculous that someone wants to come to other country because of the cost of living being low. That's the reason most of young people in Portugal wants to leave the country to live abroad.

  14. You are just being honest about your experience in Portugal, one year is still short, don't see how people can make hateful comments on what you just said. Let them express their feelings we are living on a country with free expression

  15. I watch your video and im a bit surprised that you aspect us to have to talk perfect english just because you dont know how to speak in portuguese.
    First you have to adapat to us not us to you.
    You have to make the effort because we already do in most of the time in a friendly way.
    Portugal its not perfect we have lots of problems but one thing im sure of it we dont want to be the US.
    We have our culture and our way of life.
    Before you talk about something please try to learn more.
    We wellcome everyone to our country.
    You need to experience more of our country and our way of life and then you can talk about it.
    We have one of the best medical praticians in the world.
    Theres no obligation for them to talk in english but they do.
    Like most of us dispite if you are american, french or from any other country.

  16. I watched your first video and thought you would not last six months. Welldone on the changes it’s visible. I am looking forward to watching you in five years time and hearing the positive changes.
    On another note I need to know where you got your furniture, I have no idea where to start , I am moving in October , did you wait for orders or were things readily available?

  17. Thanks for the great information! You covered a lot of things my wife and I are curious about. Keep posting and don't worry about the haters. The bigger the channel gets the more haters you'll start seeing!

  18. This was probably my favorite video to date. I have a million questions but for now: what do you talk about when getting to know other people if you don’t talk about work? Like, I know there are hobbies and stuff but still, people spending a good chunk of their lives working for a living, it seems like an obvious topic to me.

    I envy your ability to shed some stress and anxiety there. I’m a big ball of anxiety now a days. Maybe it would change if I lived in a place where I wasn’t constantly worried about getting shot while running errands or something. ~shrugs (but also cries)~

    I hope to visit you one day! Hope you don’t mind me dragging my two kids with me. ❤️

  19. You are both lovely, authentic beings with a realistic, positive and balanced sharing of experience. Very, helpful as I navigate my definite calling to relocate from US. Being in Europe 2019-2021, I can relate to a lot of your experience. Coming home has allowed me to see I would like to return to Europe and Portugal is on the radar! Spent over one year in Berlin, one month in Lisbon but curious about the surroundings as well as a massage therapist. I am very happy for you and seeing the experience made you blossom….all be frustrate at times (for sure…I get it!)

  20. Thank you very much for sharing the info with us. I'm glad that you guys are enjoying your life in Portugal. I plan to move to Portugal in the near future. I'm just wondering you still have the email address of a bank representative you worked with before at Banco Best. It'd be great if you could share it with me. Thanks.

  21. Parabéns for you year in portugal, im portuguese , i love your videos i'm interessed in know how people from outside portugal think about us, and i already learnd a lot, i use to live in Lisbon, lve d there for 19 year, but i returned to my hometown, Portimão Algarve, to be more relaxed and at the same time more active, i now work beter and i am more happier, sory my english, thanks

  22. Thanks for not sugar coating it. I've been following a lot of channels, prior to moving next year. There are some misleading videos about cost of living etc. You pretty much nailed it when you said it depends on what your lifestyle is and what your expectations are. FYI, my wife is from China. The bureaucracy there is horrible. It's almost as though they hate assisting you and it's taking time out of their day. However, Canada is not a whole lot better. Government employees are such a headache to deal with, regardless if it's taxation, immigration or something else. I think the problem is that public service in general in any country is never very good. It's just varying levels of bad from one country to the next. Kind of like the DMV. 😁 Just be thankful you don't have to deal with them all the time.

  23. This is one of the best and most straightforward review videos I’ve seen regarding living in Portugal! Great job. PS Don’t listen to the online trolls hating.

  24. I love you guys. You are very honest and insightful. Have you guys found one area of Portugal to be better than others as far as speaking English when it comes to medical issues, and getting understood by English speaking Drs? We plan on moving to the silver coast in 2023. Would we be better to go into Lisbon as far as any complicated medical issues are concerned? I am trying to learn as much Portugese as I can before I move…..but I cannot see being able to communicate medical issues in Portugese for a very very very long time.


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