Home Immigration 10 Reasons Why You Should NEVER Move to the United States REACTION!! | OFFICE BLOKES REACT!!

10 Reasons Why You Should NEVER Move to the United States REACTION!! | OFFICE BLOKES REACT!!

10 Reasons Why You Should NEVER Move to the United States REACTION!! | OFFICE BLOKES REACT!!

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  1. well, the US spends billions on social programs that don't really help the poor, while basic infrastructure is 50+ years old and extremly rusted or broken. the US releases violent criminals for whatever reason, while punishing those who want to protect their families from those violent criminals. the US gives tax credits for companies to close factories in the US in favor of shipping the jobs to a country who has clearly said they want to overtake us economically. and as of late you have social networks working with government officials to silence the opposition. and i'm a American. oh, and our schools barely teach the basics needed to live in a decent society (math, reading, spelling), while Marxist theories are drummed into the students, with students being told that if you can read, spell, or do basic math is racist.

  2. These stats are pretty cherry picked. Other than our big problems were my pretty average. The big problems are corruption in government, the percentage of our taxes that are wasted on useless bs, lack of appropriate funding for social safety nets, and the war on drugs. Seriously the war on drugs is causing all of the problems that surround the war on drugs. We are wasting resources trying to force everyone not to do something they want to do, because they're people and they want to feel alive before they die and nobody has any right to tell them that they can't.

  3. I love how 'tongue-in-cheek' and jabbing this is…. It's so much truth, and almost as much skeptical criticism… I would assume that americans are very much the same as any other humans. I know that cultural factors make a difference, and how we all see it- but it's just another myopic commentary from the lens of an american…

  4. This video is left wing propaganda. The "social progress" ranking is all about how left-wing a country is. It has nothing to do with the reality of living in a country.

  5. A quick google search will tell you a lot of this guys stats are skewed. Not saying the US is perfect and a lot of things he said are true but this guy is a negative Nancy

  6. Somebody told me the other day that "America is a developing country with a Gucci belt"😂😂😂. On a serious note if you're rich, America is a great place for you. If you're poor, lord have mercy on you. The problem is the shrinking middle class is getting poorer every day. The rich can hire lawyers, accountants, financial experts to advise them. The middle class just tries to stay afloat. If you lose your job, you might end up homeless.

  7. That video they're reacting to seems like mostly propaganda with a liberal bent. Reflects current mentality of many cosmopolitan millennial liberals. America hating over-indulged morons pontificating against the most exceptional nation that affords them their iphone, electric prius and worthless University title without having done much in life. GTFOH

  8. 13:57 agree with dave, it's not lack of education, most of the time.
    i was like that as a teen and knew many like that, i think most young people do it to rebel or stick the finger to society or appear cool, usually frustated with their own lifes but can't show it so they do stuff like that.
    well better than serious crimes that put you behind bars or ruin your life.


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