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Due to the current (and unstable) state of the Portuguese real estate market, Savvy Cat Realty does not guarantee that all information or advice shared in this video is up to date. For any further questions concerning our content or products, please book an Advisory Call with a qualified Savvy Cat Expert or contact us at contact@savvycatrealty.com
Music by Lesfm (pixabay.com/)
Music: Just Lofi – Relax Background Music For Videos
Motion Graphics (motionelements.com)
Intro Project: Clean Shape Logo (11340447)
Artista: miph
End Project: Minimal Piano Logo (11757903)
Artist: ATMotion
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We can tell from experience working with your company was invaluable to us. You were of great help and your communication is excellent! We can highly recommend you to any foreign buyers. Ed & Mira (the Netherlands)
Great information so helpful Nice job Anna
Hi great 10 points. I wish the environment would be one of buyers and seller with real estate professional agents that dealt on an honest platform of trying to sell the sellers home for what is worth and maybe a bite more and buyers getting a home at least worth what they are paying for. Example $170000 for a home that should be a tear down or kept as a national ruin. All this deception of what’s available and not listing the actual address is concerning for any buyer. This non exciting trust between agents is right down annoying and makes ALL real estate agents look like idiots. Sellers should be advised by an agent and trust that the agent will sell and get the most for their home and. Everyone thinks their home is worth a million dollars but have not touched or made any improvements in the home since the last century. I am looking forward to hopefully see a couple of homes when I am there in December.