Home Real Estate 102 Year Old Lady's Abandoned Home in the USA ~ Power Still ON!

102 Year Old Lady's Abandoned Home in the USA ~ Power Still ON!

102 Year Old Lady's Abandoned Home in the USA ~ Power Still ON!

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The abandoned house of the German Focht Family is a place that redefined our definition of what an abandoned home can be, it has been a decade since the last inhabitant Misses Ada passed away and she left all her belongings in doing so. Now 10 years later, everything still remains inside the house and the strangest of all is that the electricity still turns on. Together with her husband Wallace she started living here in the 1930s and over the course of six decades, they raised four beautiful children, got married, and lived a long life with countless memories. Unfortunately, her husband passed away in the 1990’s leaving her to fend for her own. She lived here in relatively good health until the year she turned 102, at this point, she was called to leave planet earth and her beloved house.

Today we will show you the remains of what once was their everything!

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  1. sad, no family, no fireinds, i seen this all coming 20 years ago, our culture, our technology, our loss of jobs, our society has all been bent away from morals and values…………all those precious treausres – pictures, notes…….. will be gone ………..God forgive people for what they do for they know not what they do………..

  2. This house is really typical of being stuck in time. On the subject of the potato chips, the chips used to come in tins, and we had one company called ‘Charles Chips’ that would come around and refill your tins. I love your reaction to some of the things in the U.S. Did you try your root beer? 😀. Love your videos! Take care and blessings!

  3. I dont think they were ever able to convert that very old analog TV (seems like from 1970s or even older) into being compatible with digital broadcasts. United States totally ceased analog broadcasts in 2009 so even if the TV was in working order, nothing would come up anyway.

  4. New subscriber here..I love your channel. I like that you pay so much attention to detail. Beautiful story of 102 year old Anna, thank you!!! That tiny radio in her room is called a transistor radio. I still have mine from my childhood 🙂 thank you and God Bless!

  5. The Bicentennial license plate means it was the 200th anniversary of the USA being country in 1976. So that plate was issued in 1976. Those license plates are one year only and are somewhat collectable.

  6. Hi Leslie & Danny, that was a cut ceiling not decay! 10 yrs abandoned in Pennsylvania, some things were 1950`s & others 1970`s! Last Sears building was 2021 in Illinois USA! Yes usually kitchen cabinets were metal in the 1970`s & covered inside & outside with colorful sticky paper! Silver aluminum coffee & sugar containers., starting 1950`s! Non Alcohol is Root Beer a soda! Where you saw the blue violin glass container…is a crystal dish I still own! Bi Centennial license plate was a Big Thing in USA 1976 & special Quarters were made that year! Was 1926 then 1976 next is 2026, on behalf of the British people the Queen gifted to the United States the Bi Centennial Bell a Replica of the Liberty Bell that hangs at Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania! Jars in her basement were made yes for vegetables & fruits..we call that Canning & it is still done today in 2022! New Furnace for heat to house was in basement! Carpets yes are still popular in houses mostly now only bedrooms & the kitchen & bathrooms is tile floor & the rest of rooms is laminated or hardwood floors! RCA Victor back in 1950`s was a radio handheld but all thru the 1960` -1970`s other handheld radio`swere popular! Now in Ice Skating… Men`s Ice skates were Black & women`s were White still the same today! In the attic you call chest , we call trunks! Very good video, thanks so much for sharing & hope my info helps you! Take care you 2 & stay safe, Love from Central Illinois USA😊🤩

  7. Boa tarde, fazia algum tempo que não assistia um vídeo tão bom postado por vcs. Esse lugar devia ser BB preservado. É muito maravilhoso. Amo vcs. Gosto muito desses vídeos que o.lugar ainda está bem preservado. Esse prato de decoração, é lindo, lembro que mamãe tinha alguns. Eu amava. Agora, se o lugar já foi devastado por vândalos, aí fica triste de olhar. Parabéns pelo vídeo.

  8. Great explore. It would have been interesting to see all the advertisements in the basket in the attic and I wonder what was in the test of the drawers and tins in the attic room. Unbelievable the electric is still on! Who’s paying the bill!? Brilliant time capsule, a real little museum!

  9. Someone still owns it! If the electric is still on! The owners should be taking care of it,how can they just let it go? They should of sold it if they were and are going to let it go!! That is very sad 😞 that people do that!

  10. It was sad to see that house still has a lot can live in still strong may be they still pay the light Bill if there is some one still talking care why not call sale
    why I feel sad some people fight over things when they are living when God call us we leave with out any thing

  11. Lesley, you guys really upset me when you go messing with things and don't leave them like you found them. The WELL you uncovered and did not cover back. It needs those coverings, especially up north in Pennsylvania, but most places in the US. It gets cold enough to reek havoc on waterworks, pipes, pumps, etc when the weather gets cold enough to freeze, and YOU JUST LEFT IT OPEN TO THE ELEMENTS. The house still has power, and likely the pump still runs to keep the pipes from freezing! DUH! DON'T MESS WITH THINGS, AND IF YOU DO, YOU NEED TO LEAVE THEM EXACTLY — EXACTLY — AS YOU FOUND THEM! AND!!!
    YOU LEFT BIG BLACK SMUDGY FINGERPRINTS on those lovely wedding photos that some family member is coming back for !

  12. The Christmas tree is likely from the 60s or so. They are quite collectible and now sell for hundreds of dollars! I’m lucky enough to have one of them with over one hundred “lights” on it.Mines from 1983 and it was made for a friend of mine and given to me by her daughter after she passed.

  13. Hey guys! The photo you two found that was on metal…… it’s called a tintype. A tintype, also known as melainotype or ferrotype, is an old style of photograph that creates a photographic image on a thin sheet of metal or iron that has been first coated with a dark lacquer or enamel.
    The tintype photo was introduced in 1856 and popular until about 1867. But tintype photo studios were still around into the early 1900s as a novelty.
    So there ya go! 👍🏻
    And oh my gosh my grandparents had a ceramic Christmas tree exactly like the one in this house, actually we had one too for a while, also, exactly like that one. Lol lights up just the same & everything! 🎄☺️
    my paternal grandmother actually made ours in a ceramics class & gave it to us as a gift. She was very crafty.

    Great episode! This place is so adorable. The way you guys tucked away that beautiful antique/vintage photo album in the drawer with the Bible was so sweet. You’re so right about photos like that, they are memories and history etc. I feel like they’re so beautiful that they should be preserved by a local historical society or something.

  14. That was a Floor Polisher/Buffer upstairs.
    I'm not Sure, but I think the Brushes were gone from it.
    There's also Woolen Pads that go with the Brushes, that are Attached over the Brushes after U've Polished the Wooden Floors, that's the part that does the Buffing.
    If U had a Lot of Children, they would also Enjoy doing that with Old Socks on, running and Sliding the Drying Wax off.
    And that Armed Toilet is called a "Commode".
    U were very Brave to open it! 😵‍💫
    I'm not Alone in Confessing that this was Truly a Heartbreaking Video.
    But Thank U for Sharing It, anyway.

  15. Leslie you remember she was 102 years old the poem meant to her be glad for dirty dishes for she had food for her family to eat. She came from a time when food had to be grown and meat was scarce. She was not making fun of people who had no food, she probably once had not much food to eat. Good explore. Reminds me of my grandmother’s home. Lots antiques.

  16. Since 1914 we’ve been living in the last days of this wicked system of things, and soon now after Armageddon this 102 year old Lady will come back in the resurrection during the thousand year reign. John 5:28-29, Revelation 20:1-3. NWT Bible.

  17. The poem isn't trying to offend. It's trying to remind her to be grateful for not going hungry–rather than complaining about stacks of dirty dishes after a meal.

    The Bicentennial celebrates the 200 years of the USA–1776-1976. A lot of early American history is rooted in Pennsylvania.

    I'd bet that house has never been remodeled. There are some decorating trends in it, like the wallpapered cabinets in the kitchen, but nothing else has been done. The antiques in the house would be worth a lot to the right buyer.

  18. You could see she was a simple woman. She loved the Lord and her children. And apparantly loved to sew. I believe her children took a few momentos and their probably pretty old themselves. And the house needed so much work I think they abandoned because not worth paying the taxes sometimes. Thanks for the nice tour. 😊


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