A quick Bee situation update
A look around the Herb Garden
Harvesting Peanuts and feeding the tops to the pigs
Repairing the chicken house window
A quick look at the seeds that need planting
Some Much needed help from @Frankie Off Grid painting the new Office
A visit from Luke from @LUKE AND SARAH’S OFF-GRID LIFE to deliver an Engine for is to re-build
Unloading and identifying the parts
A look at the work the pigs are doing and a couple of Loquat trees in trouble
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Hello Nick I can't wait to see your video on the Engine. Rebuild are going to be doing a step by step. Will you bw going through the engine to see if all nuts bolts etc clean area plat form be great to see the digger suck diesel again
All the best of luck with build 🍀👍🍻
Don't get discouraged by sprouted chickpeas. Treat them like cooked chickpeas only know they now have additional protein. Turn them into hummus, falafel, or an addition to salads or prepared grains, as a side dish!
But that engine will take forever won't it, you have so much on your plate. I hope someone will help you with it!
I sent you a message in Instagram with a possible solution
I got a new recipe thanks to Andrea! Always lots of projects Nick!! Wishing you both a Happy Nevada Day Today!!❤❤
Wow Nick! There is nothing you can't do. Super Hero! (Can't find proper emoji)I agree with the person who said to take out the diseased tree. It doesn't look like it would get better on it's own. 🙂👍👍👍🇨🇦
Nice man but
I noticed our fig tree full again the other day! Is it normal to fruit again?
Pond’s looking nice and full, has it been repaired? I love the garden tour, yes Angie certainly needs a greenhouse before spring x
I added quite a long comment but it seems that YouTube has deleted it for unknown reasons – odd!
Could be loquat scab too though, post a few pics on insta?
I think it's called fire blight dude. It's contagious and can get apples and pears too. Copper sulphate should work. Maybe cut off all the infected stuff and burn it and then respray. Fingers crossed
Your friend is he Maltese
Love watching your channel, Nick you remind me so much of my Dad!
Although this video is in Spanish, it is also self evident. Nick it is 6 hours worth of work, but it is well worth it. Enjoy !!!!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oO7OLfmwIiI
Please tell Luke to use the right oil this time! Impressive little Jigsaw Engine – seriously you are a star Nick and it is one of the things I like most about this community – everyone pitching in. Way to go lads and obviously Andrea! 😎
Brilliant video guys can’t wait to see you all again
You should cut that deceased tree down? 🥹
That is really funny, I thought the Kooni Pigs were not supposed to dig? 😉
No recipe this week?
You must remove the tree and the soil around it. However, if you have severe Phytophthora rots in the collar, crown, or roots of your trees, the disease will persist in the soil. You may have to forego planting apples and crabapples, pears, peaches, plums, apricots, cherries, or citrus fruits in that location. You can treat the root zone and other infected areas with metalaxyl or mefenoxam. Be sure to treat the entire root zone or area of infection. Or you can spray the trunk and root zone with phosphorous acid or potassium salts or fosetyl. Do not mix these fungicides with a copper spray. Excessive wet soil could be 😊the problem.
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Nick, I think you’d better put the greenhouse at the top of the list for Andrea! 🏴
That looks like fire blight on the loquat trees. There is no treatment for it.