Hello everybody! This is Lawrence and welcome to Popcorn Vlogs, formerly My Tummy Treats!
Today’s video, we are going to the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Fatima, located in the center of Portugal! Together with my mom and Amy, we will be revealing it’s secrets and history!
I am sure you will be learning a lot from it! Even me, I didn’t expect a lot of information about it!
If you enjoyed the video, please click on the ‘LIKE’ button, SHARE the video and don forget to SUBSCRIBE!
FOR INQUIRIES about PINOY HOUSE AND PINOY STORE IN FATIMA, you can contact them through
Whatsapp and Viber
SHAINE +351 917 113 475 English/Portuguese
CARLOS +351 911 018 382 French/ Portuguese
Facebook @ facebook.ritchielmarques
email @ azumi_rian@icloud.com or pinoyhousefatima@icloud.com
My name is Lawrence Dennis Manis Pascua, 30 years old and currently living in Lisbon, Portugal since 2015. I am a Filipino, born and raised in the Philippines (of course 😜). I describe myself as adventurous, happy person, lovable ( duh! 😜i may be snobbish at first when you meet me but, introduce yourself and we’ll be like close friends in a snap!).
It may doesn’t seem like I am a Registered Nurse, but yeah! I got my license in 2010 (happy but not really my passion 🤣)! I dreamt of being an artist but sadly Hollywood cannot find me ’cause i’m becoming extinct 🤣! I worked as a shopkeeper, customer service representative, machine operator, farmer (fruit picker, WOW really), kitchen assistant, a nanny (what? 😱), caregiver and hotel housekeeper! I can say this person is flexible and can do anything LOL! I also cook, bake and design cake and learned this all by myself through internet and of course with the help of youtube! I also sing and dance (exclusively in the bathroom 😜). I love entertaining people and travelling too! My first out of the country travel and job was in 2012 to Taiwan 🇹🇼. I also travelled to Indonesia 🇮🇩, France 🇫🇷 and Spain 🇪🇸 and wishing for more travels!!!
I hope you guys support my channel and i am very open to any comments and suggestions on how to improve myself in giving you good (maybe not good this time but i can improve along the way by your help!)
Your support to my channel is very much appreciated! With your help, my channel may grow and make more quality content! Thank you very much!
I accept your support thru PayPal
NOTE: My channel was formerly “My Tummy Treats”, specifically recipe videos but I wanted to do a lot more than cooking and baking so I came up with the name “Popcorn Vlogs”. Welcome to my channel! Sit back, relax, watch and don’t forget your POPCORN!
Italian Afternoon by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
Gently Onwards by ELPHNT
Credits to:
#LisbonPortugal #OurLadyofFatima #TheVirginMary
#Sanctuary #Basilica #LisbonTour #PortugaTour