Home Immigration 2022 Cost Of Living Portugal qtr 2 | Moving To The Island of Madeira | @It'll Be Fun

2022 Cost Of Living Portugal qtr 2 | Moving To The Island of Madeira | @It'll Be Fun

2022 Cost Of Living Portugal qtr 2 | Moving To The Island of Madeira | @It'll Be Fun

A Full review of our monthly Cost of Living in Portugal for the 2nd Quarter 2022. Our costs have changed with inflation at an of time high and our car added to the mix. We go over each detail of the actual monthly expenses. As well as discuss extras you may want to consider while planning for your overseas adventure. See how we are doing financially.

Have you ever thought about giving up on the American Dream. Well we finally decided to do just that. We chose to downsizing our life into one we could afford in retirement. And that has taken us to where we live now on the Island of Madeira in Portugal. Let’s go. It’ll Be fun!

In this video we are travel along levada do Norte, go swimming at Praia Formosa and visit areas of the city of Funchal. Along for trips are Greer, Alan, Wolf and Leslie.

In case you do not know, the Madeira Islands are in the Atlantic Ocean about 325 miles west of Morocco and 625 SW of Lisbon.

Music by Scott Gorsuch, my little brother.

Let us know if we can help you.
😎Do you want to explore and find out more about your potential lifestyle in Portugal?
😎If so, we offer 30 minute time slots via Google meetings.
😎Click this link to schedule.
😎Once you have selected a time we will send you an invoice through Paypal.
😎If you can not find a time that works for you, please send us an email. ItllBeFunRetirement@gmail.com

Are you thinking about moving abroad, becoming expats or immigrating? Each week we talk about our journey to retirement, in moving to Portugal, moving to the Island of Madeira and our new experiences. We also answer questions from our viewers! Below we have provided affiliate links as well as website for many of the services we have used. Please note we do receive a small payment if you use our affiliate links.

😎Affiliate Links😎
Need help with a Portuguese Bank Account and your NIF use the links below.
✔✔Pricing & Packages:

😎😎Wise International Money Transfer😎😎
Our Affiliate Link

We like (unpaid):
✔Our Realtor Claudia Ribeiro email her at claudia.ribeiro@imocabrera.com
✔USA mail service
✔Tour company
✔Pet Health Certificate USA
✔Research information
✔Bright Tax
✔Research VISA information
✔Research PT Moving Service information
✔Schedule paid time with Alan & Leslie

About us: We are from the USA and have moved to the beautiful Island of Madeira in Portugal. We are very grateful to have this opportunity. We have put together this channel to talk about our journey.

Please subscribe, like and let the videos run! Hit the Bell. All to Help us grow and improve.

✔Send us your questions for topics. We will answer them in upcoming videos.
✔Email Itllbefunretirement@gmail.com.
✔Please follow us on Instagram @Itllbefungreer

Please note that programs or websites we mention are only for reference. We do not receive any money from these websites unless noted as an affiliate. Please do your own research before registering with any company or program. We can not be responsible if they are not what you were looking for or cannot provide the services you may require.

Are you moving to Portugal or Madeira Portugal? Then this is the channel for you. We are living in Portugal as expats / immigrants. We hope you enjoy our content.

Enjoy Your Journey!



  1. Thanks for sharing all this useful info. Can you please provide further detail on the service you use for your American phone. I had expected that to be much more expensive.

  2. Thank you Alan for your very informative videos.
    We had to stay here due to covid and haven’t been back to the UK since.We have just received our bio cards and unlike you decided rather than rent to purchase an apartment in the centre of Funchal.It’s been quite a journey but well worth it and at the age of 78 I may not have done it had it not been for covid.

  3. Thanks for sharing and keeping us informed of the cost of living in Madeira. Sorry to hear about your hearing loss and hope that there is no further loss from this point. I am sure hearing aids should help right. Also in this day and age there may be surgical procedures available to fix the issue. Have you explored them. Good Luck and Enjoy your life and May God Bless you and your family.

  4. Again a world of info. I did hit the notification bell because I want to be bothered by you guys regularly. Thank you for providing so much great info to all of us. ❤❤🐶🐶🐶🤩🤩😍😇👍👍👍👍👍🚙🚙🚙

  5. Hi Alan and Leslie, At the risk of sounding insincere, we ALWAYS enjoy your videos! This is no exception. I must say I'm sorry to hear of your hearing issues. And I'm not the only one to mention that you have a superb speaking voice and have suggested a number of times you should host a show on PBS or something similar. You enunciate so clearly, your audio performance is a real pleasure. I can think of a number of channels I enjoy but they constantly have audio/volume issues and that gets annoying. And so in the recent past, we play along with you and have enjoyed the drinking game, though sadly, we don't see the waves so much these days but fondly recall how your channel has grown and progressed. RE: the topic of this video, it's amazing how the little expenses add up. And you chose the responsible path by being realistic and not promoting the island as a destination that one can scrape by on $1,000 or $1,500 a month, just to snare a few more views as some others might do. I'm also very happy that the bloom is not off the rose, that you all are still enjoying life on Madeira. On that topic, I wonder if…. just IF… the two of you have ever considered what your PLAN B would be — in the event that things changed. Admittedly, I've veered off into another topic. We always enter these things wanting an escape hatch of sorts. Anyway, thinking fondly of you all from across the pond. Ciao.

  6. It seems as if you are living a wonderful life on your new adventure. And thanks for being honest and sharing about your hearing. I wish you continued adventures and a joyful life!

  7. Thanks, Alan and Leslie! I had actually taken notes on your previous quarter's video and was able to compare the old and new numbers right along with you. Curious about a couple of things: How long is your lease? I've been hearing that many landlords are now asking for a 3-year lease. Also, are you exchanging USD dollars for Euros on a frequent basis, or is it much more infrequent? (And feel free to decline to answer here if you like).

  8. I am wandering whether the lifestyle you described is more/less expensive inland… Take Lisbon for example..??
    Anyhow,I have been enjoying your journey, you are definitely doing a good service to some of us. Thank you.

  9. Great content Alan!! Being Portuguese I can’t help but to compare expenses in Portugal/Madeira vs the USA. It’s really no comparison because their salaries are very different too, but just knowing I can live in Portugal like a queen definitely puts a smile on my face. Can’t wait till I spend most of my time in Portugal!! 🇵🇹❤️

  10. Great content and I really enjoy the visuals of the picturesque island of Madeira
    Getting older is not fun, your audio is excellent.
    Thank you for the great break down of your budgets.
    I have owned a few V-dubs over the years and drove all over Europe in late 70’s in a pop up top van bought directly from the factory
    I would love to more pictures of your VW

    Andrew and Monica

  11. Is there a “ mold” issue in homes in Madeira ? Exploring immigrating there vs mainland. Thank you 😊 🇺🇸 enjoy you sharing your“ lovely travels and important immigration information .

  12. You mentioned Medicare! Are you still paying for Medicare in the US due to you being 66? Or is it Portugese Medicare if that exists? I didn’t think it did.


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