Home Immigration 2022 Our COST OF LIVING Changes with INFLATION | Madeira Portugal | It'll Be Fun!

2022 Our COST OF LIVING Changes with INFLATION | Madeira Portugal | It'll Be Fun!

2022 Our COST OF LIVING Changes with INFLATION | Madeira Portugal | It'll Be Fun!

Inflation is at a 30 year high in Portugal and a 40 year high in the USA where we started. We sold it all and moved to Madeira, Portugal in order to improve our quality of life and cost of living. Now what? We discuss how inflation has effected us. Let’s go. It’ll Be fun!

In todays video we are off to go snorkeling. While Madeira is not the Caribbean is still has lots of snorkeling, scuba, swimming and water sports available. In case you do not know, the Madeira Islands are in the Atlantic Ocean about 325 miles west of Morocco and 625 SW of Lisbon.

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😎If so, we offer 30 minute time slots via Google meetings. An invoice will be sent after scheduling.
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Are you thinking about moving abroad, becoming expats or immigrating? Each week we talk about our journey to retirement, in moving to Portugal, moving to the Island of Madeira and our new experiences. We also answer questions from our viewers! Below we have provided affiliate links as well as website for many of the services we have used. Please note we do receive a small payment if you use our affiliate links.

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Need help with a Portuguese Bank Account and your NIF use the links below.
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About us: We are from the USA and have moved to the beautiful Island of Madeira in Portugal. We are very grateful to have this opportunity. We have put together this channel to talk about our journey.

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✔Send us your questions for topics. We will answer them in upcoming videos.
email Itllbefunretirement@gmail.com.
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Please note that programs or websites we mention are only for reference. We do not receive any money from these websites unless noted as an affiliate. Please do your own research before registering with any company or program. We can not be responsible if they are not what you were looking for or cannot provide the services you may require.

We like (unpaid):
✔Our Realtor Claudia Ribeiro email her at claudia.ribeiro@imocabrera.com
✔USA mail service
✔Tour company
✔Pet Health Certificate USA
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✔Research VISA information
✔Research PT Moving Service information

Are you moving to Portugal or Madeira Portugal? Then this is the channel for you. We are living in Portugal as expats / immigrants. We hope you enjoy our content.

Enjoy Your Journey!



  1. I use the Food Bank in my area to help me make ends meet and save for retirement. My income as a Substitute Teacher doesn't go far in my HCOL area. I'm lucky that my house is paid off and worth 1.2 million, but that doesn't mean I want to sell it. Is there anything like a Food Bank in Portugal or Europe or are food prices still fairly low? Thanks!

  2. It is estimated that the Norwegian annual inflation rate will be about 5% – 5.5% for 2022. Part of the challenge has to do with energy. In the south of the country electricity prices have increased massively over the year. This is because of decreasing precipitation, near drought conditions, and increased European demand. In the far north of the country they are emptying reservoirs because they are overfilled with water, there is no market for electricity, and it cannot be exported due to line capacity limitations. In the middle of the country, where we live, there is no extreme situation in part because there is no export capacity from the region. We have also had excessive amounts of rain.

    Building materials were difficult to find at the height of the Pandemic. In addition, there was a surge in people wanting to build onto their houses and cottages. This resulted in massive price increases. This building boom has started to subside, and building materials have become cheaper.

    As for food, this is not my area of expertise, however, I am told that it is increasing in price, possibly beyond the inflation rate. Because of our unusual food preferences, we do not use restaurants (or even cafes) so I cannot even comment here.

    In general prices are high for locally produced goods in Norway and throughout Scandinavia. However, we also have good wages and pensions. White goods and similar products are relatively cheap. For example, we have ordered a new electric vehicle. We pay the same for it as people in Portugal. We also pay about 30% less for it, compared with people in the Netherlands.

  3. Alan, great video as usual. Can you let us know what the EV situation is in Madeira? I see charging stations on Plug Share map but wondered if you had any inside knowledge. Many thanks

  4. Hi Alan Leslie and Wolf!!! Thanks for another thoughtful, well researched video! Also, the production quality keeps going up and up!! Looking forward to your next video!

  5. I like Portugal very much and especially Madiera . My friends would love me to live in Lisbon but Turkey for example the Turkish Riveira is much cheaper than Portugal . It looks right now Turkey has slipped into First place !!!

  6. Your Portuguese is starting to sound better, I can already notice a difference in your “vai ser divertido”
    It warms my heart when someone who moves to my country makes an effort to integrate, thank you 🤗

  7. Hi Alan, everyone is complaining about the rise of prices in Portugal. In my case, I realize that food is my main concern in those days for a family of four, two kids still studying and that eat a lot 😜 I quit from gas I'm my house and I have installed a thermo accumulator (I don't know if this is the correct term in English) and now I'm saving a lot in my electricity bill. This price rise is global so we have to think about others ways where to save. Noyone is interested in losing quality of life 😍

  8. Need solar and wind now! Portugal over all seems to me to be a bit on the slow side in adapting. Would love to know why. Any theories or research you can throw our way? For instance, our current home is 6 years old(due to a house fire) and is a net zero energy house. It is amazing! Are there green builders in Portugal?

  9. Hello! New viewer here and you are the voice of reason about my beloved Portugal! We sold most of our things after 3 trips to Lisbon/Portugal, packed up our car and headed to Lisbon last July! LOVE PORTUGAL!! We just bought a home in Torres Vedras and are remodeling it now!! With the exception of gas things are still affordable for us and we are way better off coming from France which is way too expensive now!! Thanks for your informative vlogs! I need to visit Madeira very soon!!

  10. Back in the day, Christie Hefner started a little publication called Playgirl. @4:21 reminds me of the centerfolds. The ladies loved it though Leslie is probably too young to remember. Which brings me to your next business endeavour…. a glossy calendar called the "Men of Madeira" — M.O.M. Turn it upside down and it's WOW!!! And the money goes to support whatever local cause is near and dear. Could be great PR at a time that the island is over-run with outsiders and you make a play to support the local community. As for this video, once we get past the salacious (some say titillating) towel scene, the topic itself is very telling and prescient. The inflationary trend could lead one to conclude the economy will get worse before it gets better. And with Portugal's exploding national debt-to-annual-GDP ratio, budget cuts may lead to curtailing of services. That of course, makes you the King of Calendars at a time your skills will save the day! Very thought-provoking, now let me get back to my Sunday morning Mimosa's (wave! ;))

  11. Nice video Alan, thanks. Very informative and great advice. Inflation and global recession is upon us folks. Not going away anytime soon; here to stay for 2-3 years at least. We will get thru it, just like in years past. Tighten your budget and invest cautiously.

  12. Yes sir, the inflation is scary.
    And it is a lot more scary for local Portuguese people than for US citizens. You probably have USD income. Compared to say 18 months ago the USD has appreciated about 20% against the EUR; i.e. a USD buys 20% more in "EUR – Land" – before inflation.
    The local guys do not have that advantage.
    Secondly, the increase in real estate prices because of all us Americans or West-Europes rushing to PT does not make life easier for the local working man.

  13. Your cost of living in Portugal went up in euros, but as I'm assuming your sources of income are in USD (which is now at parity) hasn't your cost of living in Portugal actually gone down?
    Note: people forget that, when the euro was launched it was supposed to be at parity with the USD, but actually fell below the USD during the first years, only later did it start to climb. So now the euro is at parity which was the initial plan all along, right?

  14. I am fortunate that my currency is currently 17% stronger than the Euro. That is a small bonus in the short term..
    I am relocating to the mainland in September; Funchal is too expensive for me, even though I had a job offer there, which I have now declined.
    I wish both of you, and Greer, a continued healthy and happy retirement.


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