Home Immigration 3 Popular Countries You Should NEVER Move To

3 Popular Countries You Should NEVER Move To

3 Popular Countries You Should NEVER Move To

3 Popular Expat Countries you should never move to as a Wealthy Expat.
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In this video we talk about the 3 countries I don’t recommend for you as a wealthy expat to move to if you’re looking to improve your life by paying less taxes, protecting your wealth, and enjoying an amazing quality of life. These 3 countries are always talked about in offshore company groups, youtube channels, and major bloggers mention them a lot as great places to live. In my experience and my clients’ experiences, they are the worst countries to live in.

I also mention a lot of alternative countries you can live in that you will love, that are also low tax countries, safe and stable for your wealth.

Who is the Wealthy Expat?

The Wealthy Expat is run by Rafael Cintron, it’s a Youtube channel and company dedicated to helping you lower your taxes, get a second citizenship, and travel the World to increase your freedoms and happiness. Rafael Cintron is a 7-figure entrepreneur who’s traveled to more than 65 countries, gotten multiple residence permits all over the World, and a second citizenship by investment. He is committed and passionate about teaching you these topics.

We have a full team of people living in Dubai, UAE to help you set up residence and a zero tax company in the most upcoming country in the world.

If you want to learn more about Rafael and the Wealthy Expat strategies book a free call with him here:

In this video we talk about:

tax friendly countries, citizenship by investment, avoid taxes, pay zero taxes, worst countries to live in, best countries to live in, best low tax countries, low tax countries to live in, safest countries to live in, move to another country, move abroad, where to move to.

Other related people in this topic:

Nomad capitalist, offshore citizen.

DISCLAIMER: This video is not tax and/or financial advice. Any information or advice I give is purely based on my own experience and research. I am not a tax professional and/or lawyer and/or accountant so I am not liable for any steps you take to lower your taxes. I’m not a financial advisor nor do I pretend to be. Always do your own research.



  1. Parts of Manila like BGC are better than Singapore and the city is getting a rejuvenation. In a few years time Philippines will be the premier destination in Asia for business mark my words . The only english speaking people in Asia other than Singapore. I think the infrastructure works currently happening in Philippines will be the best in Asia by the mid 2020's, the country is rising again and has turned a corner. There is a huge subway system, the country is upgrading it's internet and just received starlink (first in Asia) and biggest airport in Asia is being built in Philippines too .. That is the trajectory for the rest of the country going forward and wealth will accumulate there in a few years time. Singapore is a tiny dot, yes it's well run but it's already on full cylinders with nowhere else to grow. All the growth and momentum is moving to Philippines.

  2. Your evaluation of Armenia is shocking. $1200/night hotel rooms being unclean? You can get a room in a 4 star hotel for $80/night that’s been sandpapered to cleanliness. To imply that there is a culture of uncleanliness is outright wrong. The roads get sprayed down every morning and every business owner sweeps the public curb throughout the day. Do villagers shower once per week? Yes. But Yerevan is a clean and safe city. The traffic is bad during rush hour. But roads are great and they’re only getting replaced more and more frequently, particularly national highways.

  3. Yep, the Philippines is poor and dirty. I am stuck here, but only because my wife is a Filipina. We are living out in the countryside, where the infrastructure just plain sucks. I tell folks we are living in a giant mud puddle inhabited by carabaos and mosquitoes! If I could afford to, I would live somewhere else.

  4. I’m from the Philippines and you are right on all counts. For those looking for some of the best beaches in the world and a laidback kind of vibe/lifestyle, Philippines would be a great place to retire. That said, money shouldn’t be an issue for those wishing to live/retire here ‘cause you won’t find it here unless you have some big businesses going or you’re a high ranking private company employee or government official.

  5. Things change all the time! Back in the post war years the US was No1! Never been to the above countries. Philipinas even got their own youtube channels on how they had changed from angels to bitches. Personally I remain unimpressed by Dubai, even less hooked on Abu Dhabi. Believe it or not I had scammers trying to sell me fake phones in a country that supposed to have the highest punishment for theft! Australia started as a dumping ground for convicts and has now become a social hole to the point that people born here call it shitsville.

  6. Is it possible for you to do a videos on high tax European countries? I really like Spain I definitely know it’s a very high tax liberal country but how much am I looking to pay on a well structured business there 🙏🏻 or just to live like a Spanish citizen

  7. If I get a 3 year investor visa based on buying a property in Dubai, will I be able to obtain a work permit from the Ministry of Labour if I intend to work? Or will I have to forfeit the investor visa to be able to work.

    Need your expertise on this. Keep up the informative videos.


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