Home Real Estate #30 It's time to start the main house / Restoring a 100 year old Stone House

#30 It's time to start the main house / Restoring a 100 year old Stone House

#30 It's time to start the main house / Restoring a 100 year old Stone House

We had a really closed call with a forest fire this week, we tell you what happened and how it affected our area. We also start our house renovating by demolishing the roof.

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00:00 Intro
04:15 The fire grew big
08:28 It’s 7:30am
10:16 This is an ancient axe
11:20 The tiles has beautiful colours
17:30 We think we have a hornet nest
23:48 We need to organise this



  1. Those 'not quite perfect roof tiles' would be ideal to edge your raised garden beds once you make them. Long sticks could also be used for support for runner beans. In Liziqi videos I saw that girl water her plants in little bit wider beds with 'can on the pole'. So, all for garden!!

  2. If it was three or four fires all the sudden, and at the same time, it was man made fire. Sometimes it can be cause by the "queimadas", but three or four, was " fogo posto" for sure!!
    They used "that thing" to put water over the plantations. They took the water from the well and watered the plants. It's quite common, but old. It used to be done the hardest ways. Take care and keep safe!!

  3. I am so glad to see you guys are OK.🙏 I found it strange we had not heard from you for so long, I was getting worried. It is wonderful to see you starting on your main house, taking all the ugly broken things down, it will look amazing in no time💫.😁👏

  4. Oh my goodness those last Arial shots of the burn area. Oh my!!!
    Thank God every one was safe!! What a scarey thing to happen but in a twist a very awakening thing to have happen to keep people eyes open to the danger and to keep others to do their part.
    I can see it woke you 2 up!!

  5. May be this event of a fire woke people up again to the responsibility of making sure to do their due diligence. We can of hope.
    Can never forget when everything is so green that a reality check is set in place.
    Do they have reminders of fire seasons and conditions as a country?

  6. This is what I was waiting for deconstruction.
    So nice to see every one getting together with Luke and Sarah. Having the love of others around who are a little like minded is so good for the heart.

  7. So glad there was no loss of life. and the fire threat seems to have brought you & your neighbors closer to be prepared as you can be.

    While you folks are cranking on, it's great you're also demonstrating taking the rest that's needed and appreciating your lives there.

    Btw, it was great to see you getting to meet and hang out with Luke & Sarah, Nick & Andrea, Iwan & Carissa, Jasper and helper pal Duart. Long have i yearned for my fave CP tubers to join forces 😄. And you are, 🙆🏻‍♀️ yay! There's strength in sharing experiences 💗.

  8. Very glad to hear that you're safe after that fire, I'm sure that was unsettling to say the least. One quick question about the construction: Do you need to obtain permission or permits?

  9. Hazel ☘️ …
    Fires ! … very traumatic indeed , I’m thinking it was good there was quite a few good rainy days of late … hot summer to come … be vigilant and ring for brigade immediately you see smoke …
    Be safe …
    I travel Wednesday to hope to see you soon … busy busy downsizing !
    Have a good week

  10. So happy that you didn't have fire damage! I've been wondering, as I watch several Portugal channels, when this would happen. But everything looks too green for fires. The drone views, the camera work in general, and the music–all impressive!!!

  11. That must have been so scary guys…glad to see you starting on the main HSE…its going to he a long project isnt it…I hope all your subscribers are bck on track with you but I know it was by chance I saw that you wer bck home as I wasnt notified even though I have all notifications bell pressed…

  12. It is very Apoplectic, after a fire. An eerily silence falls, but know, there is new growth in these old woods. Mother nature is a kindhearted beast, it´s us humans that cause the havoc It´s amazing to see the progress on the first of many NEW adventures.. Plenty of tiles here, for free, if you know a good roofer, with an hour to spare !!!! xx Love to you both. Wine & Cheese anytime xxx

  13. Here in Japan I have come to respect the power of nature with earthquakes, tsunamis, typhoons, landslides, all made worse by human greed, where people settle on unsuitable land, exploit the land for short term gain, or simply don't prepare for what nature can throw at us. Like you say, living it brings about a mindset shift and that gives you the best chance of staying safe.
    I am so glad to hear that there is an amazing community, and that your volunteer firefighters did an amazing job to keep everyone safe. Really community is one thing to treasure if you find a place that has it, and I hope that by meeting new neighbours, you can become more part of that community.

  14. I you two! I'm glad you and the rest of the neighbours were all right after those fires, unfortunately they happen every year, most of them normal occurrence, a few by mismanagement/lack of knowledge etc. a few by outright criminality.
    you've done the right thing, watering all of the property etc. make sure you and neighbours, have a way(s) out planned, very important on such situations.
    Keep safe!

  15. Thank you for sharing – I’m very glad that you are safe! Do you know whether the fire killed the trees that we see in the ending drone shot? It looks like the fire moved quickly and may have just burned the dry leaves and grass under the trees and not actually killed the trees themselves. This is obviously a huge natural problem in central Portugal and I’ve seen other expatriate landowners with YouTube channels cutting down grass and burning brush (when it’s safe). When finances allow, you may want to invest in a brush and field mower (we call them brush hogs in the US) to make the task easier – strimmers are quite heavy and supporting that weight for hours on end is very tiring.


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