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Good looking woodshed.
Maybe some one mentioned but you need to have special gas tape for gas lines or they will degrade and could start leaking in the future
why are you hand threading pipe when you can buy threaded black iron in many lengths ? The Mom & Pop store close to my house will cut to length and thread cheap ! and to save time, get thread's started at each joint then crank them all tight before elbow or Tee ? and I have never heard of anyone using Teflon tape on gas pipe ? Always pipe dope on black or galvanized and nothing on flex tubing with tapered fittings ! Most allow yelow PEX type tubing below grade but not sure about above grade ? and remember to put a 1/4 turn shut off @ each unit. ✌️💙🎵 from STL MO
Are you going to insulate under the house and around all the pipes….so they don't freeze? Nothing worse than frozen water lines…just curious !
black dog gives SEAL bark.
Don't use WD40, it's not a lubricant anyway, use oil.
Are you guys planning to insulate the floors?
Hi wonderful couple ! Always nice to see both of y'all. I like the house and shead y'all built, but don't you need to put boards on the back and sides of it so that the logs won't get wet from the snow ? And are y'all gonna show anymore of y'all finishing the inside of y'all's home ? She is such a hard worker and seems to do most of the work. You should never leave a woman alone in the woods longer than a day and show her being alone for safety reasons dude ! ! ! That always worries me. Living off grid, your wife and childrens safety is priority ! Anyway y'all have a great day. Blessings to y'all . 👍
Are you using BLACK PIPE fittings or were your fittings Galvanized???
Классная берлога!👍🙂
Just found you B C Canada
Do you recommend your wood mill that wood Mizer is it a good piece of equipment?
I am starting to look at the purchase one and I just wanted to know thank you very much
Both of you work and work hard
Amazing job you’ve done so far
Miss you bust butt, you are one hard worker is a lucky lucky man to have you
I jut use propane tape as it is heavier.
Won't that small pipe freeze? So close to the edge of the insulation. frozen turn is gonna be hard to move!
never the tool more than one full turn before backing off and breaking the cutting shavings – that's why You found it so hard and You need cutting-oil ! (not WD40)
No wonder your back hurts..lol
Great video
Hey Katie, I love your sawmill dance you do when it is sped up. It made my day.
Hello friends. I'm from Romania and I've been following you for some time. Congratulations for your determination to build your own house… Together with all the shortcomings and all the challenges in the sky you are ready every day… I congratulate you because you can take care of yourself and other living things… You are a colossal inspiration for the young generation, if they would follow you, because they could learn many useful things and actions in life, from you, and physical work inspires, even if it transpires……!? 🙂
Katie, I do believe your back pain is caused by the constant carrying of dead wood. You have to learn to shed waste
as a plumber/gasfitter in the province of BC, I can tell you that there should be no debate as which to use on BMI pipe. Pipe dope is an anti seize compound so that it doesn't band and can be removed later if needed, and the teflon tape lowers the friction so that you can thread it on farther so you can get the thread seal that you need. It is not which to use, you do both, period. it doesn't matter which you put on first, but if you go dope first, then cover the dope in tape, it will make it cleaner to use and handle. but there is no wrong way.
Use both was perfect
It looked like you were doing some kind of funny dance when you were milling when you put the video in fast forward. It was great! You two are awesome. Love the team work you guys have.
Real women thread iron, Katie!
You guys work so hard!!! it is a delight to see your videos!!!
I love how much y’all are focused on starting,& completing projects. As busy as your lives are, you should be closed in by winter. Heat,water,power,& a nice comfortable home environment. Amen 🙏🏾 Until next time, stay safe, healthy, happy, productive,& blessed.💯❤️👍🏾😀🙋🏽♀️✝️🙏🏾🇺🇸
2 things..Threading is easier if you do a half turn and back it off 1/4 turn to break the material off giving a cleaner thread. Second, somewhere in the gas line near the appliance you should have a Union which is used for dis-assembly should you find a leak later on. Without a Union, you might need to take apart many joints to get at a potential problem.
WEAR safety glasses always!
Great video, showing the two of you as hardworking people. I am impressed! The video shows no insulation under the floor. Are you planning to do anything about it?
Katie, there are some things that can be used for back pain. Have you tried any of them? Doan's Pills, Blu Emu where you don't stink. I guess in 14 years you may have tried them all. Just don't paralyze yourself. Have good days! OH, good job on the pipe!
The front tractor bucket could've helped place the stones. They sure look heavy. Great opportunity to thread some 3/4 inch iron pipe for clamps while having the threading machine.