Home Resorts 4K Walking NUDE beach of Praia do Rio da Prata, Meco – Portugal 4K ASMR relaxing sounds 60fps

4K Walking NUDE beach of Praia do Rio da Prata, Meco – Portugal 4K ASMR relaxing sounds 60fps

4K Walking NUDE beach of Praia do Rio da Prata, Meco – Portugal 4K ASMR relaxing sounds 60fps

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The beach of Praia do Rio da Prata is one of Portugal’s many nude beaches. On this Zen Walk, I take a relaxed walk on a completely deserted beach of Praia do Rio da Prata during 2021 lockdown, enjoying the beautifully coloured waves splashing on the sandy shore. It’s a very relaxing video, with no other goals rather than absorbing the beauty of the beach, the omnipresent Atlantic Ocean and the yellow sands. No one around except you and the Nature. A true mindfulness experience. Enjoy it!😉

😉🎧 Use your headphones to fully enjoy the 3D ASMR audio 🎧😉

Recorded on the 8th April 2021
16h00 | Aldeia do Meco, Praia do Rio da Prata, Portugal

Route Map:

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Now it’s the time we put in some keywords such as naturist beaches, sounds for sleeping, nude beach, sounds for studying, deep sleep, waves sounds for sleeping, praia de nudismo, praia naturista, Aldeia do Meco, Praia do Rio da Prata, deserted beaches videos, praias desertas Portugal, virtual tour or the best virtual tours, that are part of the description of this video. This relaxing trail video is perfect for treadmill, but also perfect for relaxation and sleep. In fact, if you’re on a treadmill, you may enjoy a relaxing feeling at the same time, although it’s not desirable that a treadmill trail video can cause a deep sleep state by listening to the ASMR audio. The footsteps, in asmr, will be around you in 360, creating a very deep immersive experience. It’s pure ASMR 3D audio, and the video is in 4K and filmed at 60fps, or 60 frames per second. The relaxing walking pace makes this treadmill video a relaxing experience, almost like a meditation. A good virtual treadmill walk is great for virtual walking exercise.



  1. Hey there! 😊 Please consider subscribing and click the 🔔 to keep updated on weekly videos! 😊
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    Thank you! Obrigado !😊🐌

  2. Un paraíso totalmente. Preciosa playa, la tienes entera para ti solo!! YT eliminó tus últimos comentarios del otro día en mi canal… está haciéndolo con muchos canales, pero te quería dar las gracias por haberte pasado por allí. Me ha encantado este paseo y escuchar las olas del mar, precioso lugar 😍👍

  3. Hello my friend 🙂 YouTube terminated my channel for marketing it. I guess the universe is testing me, but I am not giving up. To see your work you help me to keep going. Great video as always. Sending love.

  4. I think you chose a perfect day to film this secluded beach. My favorite part is at 5:25 where you film your fresh footprints in the sand. The sounds and sights of the empty beach are refreshing to the soul. This is a nice change of pace compared to your city walks. 🌊

  5. 25.
    Wow, water fall formation right next to beach?
    It’s so beautiful ~~you can film movie in here. 😍😍😍
    Again I enjoyed your amazing video ♥️♥️
    Have a great day my friend 🤗🤗🤗


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