Home Real Estate 6. Our Off Grid Shower – PiPs Keeping Clean in Central Portugal

6. Our Off Grid Shower – PiPs Keeping Clean in Central Portugal

6. Our Off Grid Shower – PiPs Keeping Clean in Central Portugal

Hello everyone, Thanks so much for following our journey so far.
In this video I talk about our temporary shower set up at our tiny house.
We hope you enjoy the video.

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Thank you so much for following our journey, love from Elaine and Darren.

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  1. That's a great set up for you until you can get a bathroom sorted 👍. Much easier than the tin bath that folks used to use 🤣. You're both good at coming up with a solution to your situation. How cold does it get there during the winter months?

  2. Nice one Elaine, thanks for sharing that with us, the good thing about central PT is it rarely gets too cold, although when we were there in Janaury we did put some heating on in our room, to take the edge off.


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