Clearing a path to the Lemon Tree 🍋
A Quick check on Garden Progress
Making and Fitting Latches to the Goat Paddock Gates
Making Plasterboard dollies
And putting up the first sheet of Plasterboard
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Thanks everyone !!
Hi Nick,
I bought a land in Portugal aswell, And I created a channel on Youtube to share the world with my journey too!
We are now in the process of cleaning up An abandoned ruin and will start renovating it soon.
I've already uploaded the first video.
Your channel inspired me to do so, this is a big step for me, But I appreciate you and your channel to inspire me like that!
I live in Central Portugal as well, So if you ever want to do any collaboration, let me know ))
That weed is leaning towards cow parsley. Hemlock is supposed to smell like bad produce, and cow parsley stems look like celery stalks, with a crescent shape. But please, do wait for an expert to show up, to ID this weed. The right pro might just show you a myriad of wild edibles on the land and would make a great video/segment! Love you guys!!
That’s Ahmet Luke and Sarah use their goats to eat while Sarah and Luke pull brambles out
Lemon butter recipe and lemon sponge all sorts things can be done lemon syrup
I Think its Cowparsley here in Holland we call it fluitekruid 👍
Wild chervil?
hay guys. love your work. I think that weed /plant is is hemlock. may be poisonous.
The plant looks like wild celery
Those plants have a cauliflower type head which burn your skin if you brush by them or handle the white heads……looks like the same invasive species we have in Ireland. Giant hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum)
Thanks Nick and Andrea, Love the content and Lessons
Love and Rainbows
Hi Andrea & Nick. Sorry no advice on your mystery plants, but Andrea definitely needs a Dehydrator for all the lemons, oranges, pear’s, cherries, fruit and vegetables. Iv had one for about 6 years and never looked back, when I have any glut of food I dehydrated & stored for winter use, lemon, orange, tomatoes powder is fantastic and has so many uses. Vegetables take up such little space and make great stews, curry, soups, saving freezer space for your home grown meat. Eggs water glass. BTW do you feed egg shells to your chickens? Great calcium source, along with any green vegetables leaves, fruit. Loving your videos so much work and fantastic ideas 💕👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
Hi, Wow, the size of that lemon tree and it’s so healthy, it’s beautiful. I cannot identify the mystery plant for you as that family are so similar, A herbalist would be able to identify it for certain, if you took clear photos of every part of it and tell you the Latin name. Something that maybe helpful for you is… always use the Latin name for plants when identification purposes, for safety and ease, common names differ in every country and do not translate. Very best wishes, Mercedes.
10:00 DANGER https://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conium_maculatum
Cucuta seamana cu telina oarecum dar mai ales cu morcovul cand planta e tanara, asa poti otravi iepuri fara sa stii. Dupa ploaie o poti scoate din pamat cu radacina. Rugii de mur trebuiesc taiati din pamant altfel iti vor sufoca citricele, murele salbatice sunt mult mai gustoase decat diversele soiuri fara spini dar nu aici, lasa cateva tufe daca vrei pe o latura. Rzboiul va fi cu vegetatia tot timpul dar treptat va fi mai usor. Feriga va disparea dupa mai multe cosiri, ii va lua locul iarba. Pasarile ajuta si ele la mentinerea vegetatiei dar o metoda usora am vazut recent la cineva. Omul nu crestea oi dar in primavara cumpara 2 miei si ii tinea in livada pana toamna cand erau buni de taiat. NU aduce capre in livada vor distruge copacii. Albinele ar fi bine sa le tii in zona semiumbrita, piatra de sub stupi vara va degaja multa caldura.
Mult succes! Feermierii lucreaza dimineata devreme si seara, evita caldura de la pranz, odihnestete sau activitate usoara la umbra
Make limoncello
Hey guys you need to look up The Indie project they live there a young couple with a farm check them on YouTube they would come to you
Not sure if anyone has suggested this, but there are plant identification Apps for your phone so try this for a more precise plant ID 🙏
you are making some amazing progress there and those lemons are HUGE……!
The plant needing identification definitely looks like the hemlock water-dropwort.
Great lemon tree! So great to have all those fruit trees.
What about asking a local person about the "smells like celery" plant?
If it is Fluitekruid it is not poisenes
In Dutch the white plant is named Fluitekruid
Its amazing the variety of things you are able to do. However…I’d be concerned about the wire fence (next to where you put up the second gate) having those pieces jutting up. I’d take some time and twist them under with some pliers. I’d be afraid an animal might try to jump over the fence and get impaled on one ☝️.
Hi Nick and Ange. It's amazing how fast everything grows, vines, weeds etc. Your pigs and goats will get through it and help keep it down. Wheasles take eggs….some hens do crack and eat them too. Usually because they are lacking in a certain vitamin. It's looking so green and still light at 9pm. The plaster board dollies I love. Will be making some when I need to help my sons with their DIY jobs. You have so many lovely trees, fruits, savory too. A busy time for yous both, vegetables growing so fast and looking so yummy. Indoor projects being finished off too. Stay safe guys. Thankyou for your videos, I enjoy them, and learning and picking up great tips too.
Great video guys! What is that accessory that holds the screws on the drill? I absolutely need that!