Go to the research module to understand more about the layers we used in the roof.
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Go to the research module to understand more about the layers we used in the roof.
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Mt= Megatons; m=Meter
Please, can you put subtitles in other languages (Spanish)? 🥺🙏
You are so good! make intelligent choices without dramas, thanks for what ,and how, you do!
I dont think the tiles overlap enough…
Total FAIL!
Congrats for all.
In a best world, you would have on each ""down-side roof"", a gooter to collect the water rain.🤔🤔😉
Bravo and stay safe.👍👍👍👍
You guys rock! Good job!
Great job and phenomenal teamwork guys! Love the camera angles too. I don't think the job is completely finished though, until you put the left and right rake tiles on the edges, to cover the join at the cedar. 🙂
mmmm this was extremely satisfying to watch
Awesome work everyone! Love this channel
Wow!! Great job to all of you!! You guys should be really proud of everything you have accomplished and especially completing what you've done on the "sketchy ruin" that's looking less sketchy by the day 👏👏
Thanks for posting and sharing.
Great episode! Picked you guys up at the beginning of the summer and I wait every week for a new one.
I noticed something hysterical though.. if you play the time lapse scene of laying battons with YouTube closed caption in it says “[music] foreign” at least it does in America! Made me laugh because there’s nothing foreign about it
i love the new filming!!!!!!!!!
I apologize because this has almost certainly been suggested or thought of already, but it just occurred to me that you have all the ingredients to make your own terra preta soil. It would a great way to get rid of broken tile and the wood from the cleared mimosa trees.
WooHoo! Great roof. There is a lot that has to wait until you have a roof in place … A LOT! Now you can continue!
Get a second hand pressure washer from eBay. Great value and bang for the buck for the right one. Just solar electricity and water !!! 😀
If you're a little creative there is kind of no end to what you can do with a pressure washer. Well, there is but … yaknowaddamean!
Great vídeo. Two aspects the wood on the side wont retaine the water from flowing? And other consideration i also put ciment on the top of the roof but i had to remove it and the tiles because they cracked with the ciment the air didnt flow from one side to the other. And this way it retained more moister and damaged the tiles faster. A side from this great job. I Couldnt do it as good you guys did.
presurewasher didnt work for grime on thoose tiles? or you wanted old rusty look?…
You SHOULD be so proud! Looks great!😊
I agree with what other's have said RE: the facia/ siding letting in water. Perhaps you could design a custom edge profile using recycled plastic?
Urm……… those edge boards on the sides……… won't water leak in there? I thought the tiles should have special edge tiles to stop this?
its a but hard to see on the video but that detail at the edge of the roof with the cedar board and membrane folded up is a bit concerning
What secures the tiles to the batons?
Don't matter how many different tiles you use, as long as they do the job, and your happy with the results.
You are doing great stuff i love watching your videos while living in a remote area It is also a dream for me lots of love from Pakistan 🇵🇰
Deviam ter lixado as telhas e as impermeabilizado. Com a geada irão pouco a pouco partir as capas superiores, além de permitir a formação de fungos e acumulação de lixo, fazendo refluxo
12:46 what is this song? very chill