Home Real Estate 7 Factors for Offshore Bank Accounts


  1. Do an if you guys follow undervalued shares newsletter by Swen Lorenz? he just did a write-up on how some of his friends are having trouble with being able to transfer money from places like Cayman Island s etc and his insistence is that the EU is going to crack down and it will benefit the Swiss banks

  2. There are no substance in what you said. Waist of time listening to you. How about cutting the jargon and CLEARLY say which tax haven countries are easiest to open account in for foreigners.

  3. I think you should do a segment on the worlds safest “harbors” when the coming storm engulfs the USA in 2025. That would be a true public service for your subscribers. So many economies are closely linked with the USA. I could be wrong about 2025 bringing an authoritarian govt if the Republicans win, and civil war if the Democrats win, followed by default on interest payments of govt bonds, economic collapse, and chaos. I could be wrong, but lm absolutely not.

  4. What country’s banks and economies will be least affected if (or when… in my opinion) the US spirals down into dysfunctional chaos or worse in 2025? It wont do much good to stash money offshore if the country’s economy and banks collapse along side the US.

  5. It’s a bit morose to bring up, but how difficult does a sprawling international banking presence make it for one’s heirs to settle one’s estate upon their passing… the varying laws regulations must be a practical nightmare?

  6. Hi Andrew. When I set up the FD for MM2H recently, it helped that my wife and I had HSBC accounts here (which in Malaysia HSBC is also present). Yes, the entire process almost felt like we were dealing with two completely different banking institutions but still it was a tad easier and safer paper trail wise since I was able to electronically transfer the needed funds from the US to Malaysia. On the app, I can see my HSBC accounts in both places.

  7. Armenia restricted the rules a little cause there are thousands of Russians trying to get a proxy account. Armenia is in the EaEU with Russia so the country was the first choice for the Russians

  8. This is a really excellent overview. Canada may be an option for the smaller dollar account. Most countries do not allow foreigners accounts any more. This is largely due to US Treasury reporting requirements, why would a foreign bank want to deal with those guys?? Way too much hassle.

  9. Personally, I think we are globally heading for a currency lock out a liquidity problem with the amount of global debt printing of money, and the final sell-off in the debt market leading to a market smash. Banks won't be of any use as people will at the last second realize and start looking for bank funds only to find out the banks have locked accounts down. Like Cyprus did back in 2008 in the crash and what's going on in China with bank runs and multiply that by 5 to 10X that of 2008. I have prepared for this issue. With bitcoin even if it goes to 10k won't sell it as I see these markets bailing in commodities and some cryptocurrency and can then see a massive rebound in the price of bitcoin. I think then your see CBDC digital currency getting implemented.

  10. As a humble simple man, all I want, and need is a fintech wallet with USD, electronic yuan, BTC, and BSV. Yes, there is a Swiss fintech and a traditional bank in El Salvador that is a match. I'm pretty sure they have that in HK and Shanghai as well. Having your own blockchain node would actually be pretty cool these days. Metaverse, a few hacks within 3D modeling, tokenization of assets, edtech progressive apps, and automation of as much as possible is perfect for disabled retirees.

  11. Thank you for another informative video; I'm a longtime, grateful viewer, too…..Btw, Millennium in Portugal has recently announced it will no longer be allowing foreigners to open accounts from abroad; they'll be required to do it in person…

  12. This good advice is just a little too late for the Chinese that believed the lies their country has thrust upon their citizen's. Never must we trust the governments of the world to say they are doing their best for us the people. Look at Sri Lanka, look at Pakistan and look back at the Marcos' legacy in the Philippine's. Government's do NOT have their population's best interest as their main objective and seem to only push their agenda of corruption and further lies upon us.


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