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The world is a big place, and if you are choosing one of the best places to live.
There are thousands of places you can choose as your next home, but where do you start?
What makes one country better than another? Is it because it is warmer, cheaper, or has more interesting things to do?
While those are valid points to consider when picking a new home, many other things should be taken into consideration when making such a life-changing decision.
In this video, Andrew shares low-tax countries you’d never expect.
00:00 Start
0:20 Low-Tax Countries
1:31 Taxation in the United Kingdom
3:03 Taxation in the Republic of Ireland
4:33 Lump Sum Tax
5:13 Taxes in Portugal
5:50 Moving to Greece
6:43 Moving to Serbia
7:34 Moving to Europe
8:32 Taxes in Panama
8:47 Taxes in Costa Rica
9:36 Moving to Uruguay
10:39 Taxes in Ecuador
11:22 Taxes in Colombia
Andrew Henderson and the Nomad Capitalist team are the world’s most sought-after experts on legal offshore tax strategies, investment immigration, and global citizenship. We work exclusively with seven- and eight-figure entrepreneurs and investors who want to “go where they’re treated best”.
Work with Andrew:
Andrew has started offshore companies, opened dozens of offshore bank accounts, obtained multiple second passports, and purchased real estate on four continents. He has spent the last 12 years studying and personally implementing the Nomad Capitalist lifestyle.
Our growing team of researchers, strategies, and implementers add to our ever-growing knowledge base of the best options available. In addition, we’ve spent years studying the behavior of hundreds of clients in order to help people get the results they want faster and with less effort.
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DISCLAIMER: The information in this video should not be considered tax, financial, investment, or any kind of professional advice. Only a professional diagnosis of your specific situation can determine which strategies are appropriate for your needs. Nomad Capitalist can and does not provide advice unless/until engaged by you.
Hi. Yo never mention Slovenia. What do you think of Slovenia? What about taxation there?
Hello, I really like your style and would like to talk to you about cooperation
In Ukraine, tax: 5%
Hi Andrew! Do you start a business for your real estate in all the countries? Or do you hire an accountant in each country?
I think it would be a nice addition to your video series if you make a vedio about investment in British overseas territories like Cayman Islands, British Virgin Islands, Montserrat,.. etc. to get British citizenship
Could you please make a video of countries where there are little tax on gains made from short term stocks' trading ?
What about Slovenia?
Hi Mr Henderson, we thought we saw you walking down the streets of KL
this afternoon with a coffee in your hand… Unless that was your twin!
Of these, Uruguay and Serbia are the best overall considering low crime, not covid/climate change crazy and low tax.
After much study I'm gonna go with Uruguay for a multitude of reasons
Greece is pretty close to introducing digital id. So much for climate friendly.
pro tip just evade them like a pro
Despite the economic market crash,I'm so happy. I have been earning $45,850 returns from my $8,000 investment every 14 days.
First 4 are low on freedom though
i like the list though

I lived in Chile, would suggest people give it a miss.
I don't know about colombia dude, there new president is pushing for wealth taxes.
Everything but boring Anglo-Saxon countries.
Get a residence permit in a territorial tax country and spend less than 6 months in your home country.
What do you guys think about Hungary, Poland, Lithuania, Azerbaitshan, Belarus and Russia ( after the war ends)? Hungary has low and flat tax rates and you do not have to pay taxes if you have 4 children. Poland has similar programs. Lithuania has flat taxes of 15%. Belarus and Russia have flat taxation of 13% and are also very cheap.
Any info on Guyana would be appreciated!
Seems though that no matter where you go, the wise and benevolent land of the "free" is going to still want some of your $$
Can you talk About Tunisia ?
Have you ever did a study of African countries? Some only pay 2% or even leas
It would be nice if when talking about a specific country (in all videos), you would make a comment re vaccination requirements etc.
I love these videos. Always interactive and its fun to ponder on living outside of Canada. But the info is vague and all over the place. I must have watched 30 videos so far, but still have no idea how to formulate a plan. I understand the idea is to pay tens of thousands of dollars for this service, so I treat these clips as what it is exactly : entertainment. Nothing more. Every video is purposefully as vague as humanly possible. As I mentioned at the beginning, i do love these videos. Good enetertainment. But lacks any sort of solid, actionable advice. imho. Definately makes you want to move "where you treated best", but the more of these I watch, the more confused I am with tiny bits of anything solid to act on. Nevertheless, i keep watching….in confusion.. and nicely entertained. Lol