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In this video we continue to enjoy VlogMas where we visit a friend to pick up a Christmas tree.
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That's great that your neighbours gave you some trees……all freebies do help 👍. You can also get free trees by growing trees from the pips/stones of fruit…….though it will take a few years before the tree bears any fruit. I have successfully grow apple, orange, pear & avocado trees from pips/stone and they all fruited. Years ago, I lived in a house with a decent sized garden, so had room for a greenhouse to help them on their way during their first couple of cold winters here in the UK. I used to save many ££££s by growing tomatoes, strawberries etc., and cultivating plants from cuttings from various sources. These days I'm disabled, so I only have a few bonsai trees to take care off……..no heavy digging required 🤣, so much easier to look after.
That's an excellent idea for using the brushwood as a border. It will eventually break down but meanwhile it's insect heaven. In our region they've now banned the burning of waste wood on the land for ecological reasons and most of our Spanish neighbours are stumped for what to do with the prunings 🤷 we have a wood chipper so we're feeling very smug 🤣🤣 excellent video.. well done.. you've really made an impact on your land.👌
Marmelo is where marmalade gets its name from 😃🌻
O muro que estão a construir no limite do vosso terreno, pode não ser muito eficaz para afastar os javalis, no entanto é um muro de compostagem. Tenho a certeza que vos vai ser muito útil na vossa horta, já na próxima primavera, sobretudo se forem acrescentando tudo o obtêm com as limpezas do terreno. O marmeleiro, da um fruto (marmelo) muito bom para fezer marmelada e geleia. Em Portugal, muitas pessoas fazem em casa, marmela e geleia, que dá para todo o ano. A marmelada, faz-se cozendo, com uma pequena chávena de água, a polpa do marmelo (1kg) com açúcar (+- açúcar amarelo), depois de bem cozido, triturar bem, depois deitar em taça esterilizadas, se possível deixar um pouco ao sol e depois cobrir com papel vegetal. A geleia, faz-se cozendo as cascas e as pevides , (para 500 gr – 300gr de açúcar) num litro de água, durante +- 30 minutos. Retirar do lume, coar e voltar com o líquido ao lume, até fazer ponto de pérola. Depoi é deitar em frascos de doce, já esterilizados. Nas cozeduras, podem usar um pau de canela e um casca de laranja, que devem retirar no fim.
Very nice breakfast 🥞☕😋
Wonderful day's accomplishments.
Brilliant getting those trees, and what a beautiful day!
It is all happening, you both seem to be enjoying the journey. Great time to be planting. Will you plant along the banks of your pond? Max is enjoying running free.
Do you not have quinces (marmelo) in UK?
Thanks for your vid 😇💟💟💟 Love you guys, you made the roots much to short now you have to give it water every other day or they are going to die.
You’ve done really well , seriously I can see what hard work it all is , thankyou for sharing
Great work you two.
Your trees are in and it was a great idea to use your pile of scrub and wood to make a boarder.
Muito bom! Fico feliz vendo vocês felizes!
Yay! First fruit trees planted! Those peaches are going to taste so good!
A very productive day! I hope that your newly planted trees thrive as they get established over winter, and look forward to seeing you reaping, maybe next year!
How lovely neighbours giving trees away, excellent community spirit. Your land is taking shape, love the natural borders Darren and Elaine. 💚
Have to give you credit for the editing; great intro music on these Vlogmas videos & the transitions are really good👍It takes a lot of training, time and patience to achieve the quality your videos have today.
Nice Vlog!
You guys are hardworking workabees. It's a great idea to get cracking on the early planting. Thank you for the lovely video. Sending you much love😍😍😍 Harriet, Jim and Yuki. Richmond, Va.
yay for more trees and food forests
Looking good.
Just a thought, with the high proportion of forest fires in the summer, will your brush barrier be a fire hazard? If that catches, the flames will run along it.
Hi from Spain. We moved to Spain 17 years ago, buying some land. For 6 years we lived completely off grid in a small chalet. Glorified camping, and we loved it. Eventually we built a beautiful house, lived in that for 10 years. Got mains water, and small Solar system, but still lived a very simple life. One thing we wanted was an Orchard, so we planted 60 fruit trees, also 400 Oleander edgeing the land. After all that, we have moved again. Fancied another challenge / adventure. So we've bought an old house, unlived in for over 20 years, and the work begins again, at the ripe old age of 73 🤣 We don't look it, don't feel it 🤣. Enjoying your videos and the way your tackling your project. The soil looks good on your land, so your trees will soon flourish. We have various fruit trees here, plus about 50 Olive trees, but they all need some tlc, so that's another challenge. Hope you enjoy your renovation as much as we did and are doing again. Take care, love Patricia ❤️
Lovely vlog today!!! Perhaps, next year you will have more fruit to enjoy. Hard work always pays off. Cheers and as always stay safe.
good editing
Every day another progress. You have done so well up to now. Your first Christmas tree in the new]
That's the best time to plant trees 🌳 I'm sure it will still rain quite a bit. A Christmas tree with added value 🎄🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑👍
Another great video guys, was it you we saw in the truck by the river beach today? After a double take I did give you a wave but not sure if you saw because I think I was past you by the time my arm went out the window. We were in the white mercedes sprinter. 😁
I want you to go see another you tubers videos about his garden planning. He has several. He seems like a rich man cause he has machinery. But his ideas can be done by anybody with a few tweaks. There channel is called "Cog Hill Farm". Look at how he is doing his trees. I;ve never seen it done that way but it makes perfect sense. I think it could save on land space also. They have a lot of things happening fast on there place.
I wish you great success with your planting. You can start plants and some trees by taking a cutting of it and starting new growth. Ask people if you may cut off a branch or their tree or plant. Or plant from seeds from what you are eating. Just put some dirt in a milk container and starting on window seals or under a grow light in a spare room. When they grow up a bit you can take them to the land and plant.
Another great project looks like you are going to have plenty of fruit for pies and lovely veggies as well. Things certainly are coming together you have done so well since you have been in Portugal.❤❤❤
Free trees ! Looks looks you got enough root – they should do well . Maybe in the future make friends with someone with a chipper and make your " fence " into mulch . The quince tree is a nice addition . The ripe fruit smells wonderful in the house .A few slices added to apples improves the flavor . Cooked down into quince cheese it is also great . You probably plan on hauling water to keep them going during the summer , it's worth doing , than when there roots get establish down into the water table they will need less care from you . Nothing nicer than planting trees & thinking about the future fruits of your labor . Happy thoughts of fruit pies !
Marmelos are quinces marmalade name come from marmelo word .Apple is female marmelo is male they are the some family. I do make marmalade from quinces. I take seeds out cut in quarters leave the skin on .if I have kg of quinces I add kg sugar .add 12 cup the water cooked on top stove until done then used the hand blender to purée. Put on jars keep or freezer
Rather than food forest….Orchard!
Love the way you allow your wife to do the digging lol!
Your land is beginning to really look alive now, come spring it will be great.
Btw we sent you an email, maybe check your spam…
greetings from Newfoundland!
Your food forest is really coming along. I've been enjoying your daily vlogs!
Love the way you have made habitat borders for wildlife using the brush and wood debris. Huggle beds are also a good way of burying organic matter that will break down and enrich the soil.
Oh wow how exciting free fruit trees 🤗💕
Hard at work. The lake looks fantastic xxx
That fencing is very risky ,not safe burnes
Another good project on the land. Darren and Elaine your "Food forest" is going to be another great asset to you.
In the time you have been working on the land you have made wonderful progress. Well done.🐕🌱
Finally some trees for ya! I hated all the others died.
the pips are really Pippin now