Home Real Estate Geoguessr Explained #9


  1. fyi for the russia round: as far as i know is the melting of permafrost ground a big problem for the yakutsk area of russia so if you see houses on stilts like that it should be more or less reliably in that region

  2. With Senegal, I've been using the direction of power lines to triangulate where towns could be. ie a North-South powerline and nothing else helps to cancel out a few roads that match the vibes

  3. 21.9k on ADW not much to say I Cebu hedged in Phili and 5ked Switzerland.

    20.6k on Skewed I went Chulman in Russia, north west in Turkey, Montevideo on the Argi round probably would've gone BA but I sent in like 5 seconds without much thinking, got BC right and got Abuja right. I was shocked at how many people went Kigali on the Ng round xD

  4. 2nd place, 22526! Wohooo!!! I have been watching all of you pros for half a year, but I have not really played myself on world maps until a week ago, and I am actually very proud of getting 20k scores in many of your challenges!

  5. 2nd seed I didn’t even get half of your points 🤣. Also did you forgot to check others in the 2nd seed? Anyway good explanation once again already looking forward to tomorrow’s vid

  6. in the first seed i got 18K, very normal for me, i only was debating if that phillipines was indo or philli but sadly i didn't notice the road was concrete and i'm pretty sure that volcano on that round was the north phillipines volcano that i remember hearing about… second seed i got 619 (literally my worst score ever) i'm still not good at recognizing countries through one still image and especially because it was skewed it was so hard for me, only guess i got pretty close with was that russia, i thought of russia and ukraine and i went ukraine but i was like "why does it feel asian" and then i pressed spacebar and found out why…still wasn't expecting it to be that far east

  7. I bet you get this a lot, but your videos are really part of my daily routine and they've really helped me out. Thanks. Also the sheer amount of content is ridiculous, I don't know how anyone can realize so many informative and original ideas so consistently. Also I got an 18.8k on the first seed pog


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