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We wish you all a Purr-Fect Day
Due to the current (and unstable) state of the Portuguese real estate market, Savvy Cat Realty does not guarantee that all information or advice shared in this video is up to date. For any further questions concerning our content or products, please book an Advisory Call with a qualified Savvy Cat Expert or contact us at contact@savvycatrealty.com
Music by Lesfm (pixabay.com/)
Music: Just Lofi – Relax Background Music For Videos
Motion Graphics (motionelements.com)
Intro Project: Clean Shape Logo (11340447)
Artista: miph
End Project: Minimal Piano Logo (11757903)
Artist: ATMotion
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The main cultural clash, in my experience, is that Portugal actually has a culture. Feliz Natal!
Thanks Ana for preparing newcomers for these to come culture clashes. As always very informative. Happy Holidays to everyone at Savvy Cat Realty!
Thank you Ana for covering this topic. Honestly, one can make many, many videos about Culture Clashes—if they want to. Nonetheless; this video serves a purpose for those who are unfamiliar with culture and traditions outside of their existing environment.
On the US-PT comparison front, allow me to add: (1) the general lack of air conditioning outside the USA whose citizens will expect when they travel, (2) I’m an Italian male who lives in US so my observations can be faulty!
I can tell you dressing is definitely RELAXED here in California; compared to the Northeast (NE) USA. I suspect UK ladies are more formal than NE USA ladies based on my travels on British cruise liners.
Similarly, my sense is ladies in California may be more relaxed than PT from the little I’ve seen in PT.
Finally, thank you for confirming what others have told me—noise insulation is lacking in PT homes and apartments. I didn’t notice this too much in the apartments we rented in PT. The outside noise (i.e., traffic, people speaking loudly and aircraft noise) appears to be more dominating than noise by the next door neighbor. Not sure.