Home Real Estate Our road is a mess!! Can we make it off our land? Building update on our outhouse.

Our road is a mess!! Can we make it off our land? Building update on our outhouse.

Our road is a mess!! Can we make it off our land? Building update on our outhouse.

Finally the weather calmed down, the heavy rains aren’t in the forecast for the next two weeks. However we are not done with the struggles yet.

The rain made the soil like pudding, it is super soft and we make deep tracks on the road. We are trying to repair the tracks on our land and have to try to make contact with the municipal for the road towards our land.

The road is always a little rough but now there is definitely a bigger challenge to get through. So we can still make it, but we don’t know for how long!

Arend has also been working on our outhouse, we are still waiting on some materials that hasn’t been delivered yet. Our outhouse is going to be a combination of bought materials and our own trees.
Working on our building skills!

We hope to finally be able to make bigger progress on our land now that the rain has slowed down.

And let us not forget, it is our last update before Christmas! We hope your Holiday is full of love, peace and joy ❤️

Thank you for supporting us by your encouragements and wonderful tips and advices 🥰

Blessings from,

Arend, Bionda, Yanick, Thekla & Neorah
🐾 Dutch

Hi YOU! Welcome to my youtube channel! If you are new here….welcome !! We are currently settling in on our OFF GRID land in Portugal. We started our dream life building an OFF GRID homestead. Follow our adventure and SUBSCRIBE to our channel. Thank you!

Hope you enjoy today’s video.

Bionda Eliza

Social media,

Bionda, Arend and children who left there normal day living to move into a motorhome traveling through Europe! We now bought a property in Central Portugal to build our off grid homestead. Come and join our adventure!

We have some shirts available on:

#simplelife #portugal #offgrid #offgridlife #homestead #livingoffgrid



  1. É perigoso colocar madeira nos caminhos, quando seca é combustível para os incêndios. Encher com pequenas pedras é a melhor solução para os carros não atolarem na lama. E são de graça.

  2. Good to see the roof has some overhang. I c most that build such be short of at least the sides, guaranteeing rain will fall down the side walls inside. Clearly u have thought things through really well !!! Not the easiest situation relocating family to a new country but congratulations on your progress so far …


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