Home Immigration How the Ultra Rich Reduce their Taxes to Zero

How the Ultra Rich Reduce their Taxes to Zero

How the Ultra Rich Reduce their Taxes to Zero

How Ultra High Net Worth Individuals Can Reduce and Avoid Taxes to Zero.
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In this video we talk about Ultra High Net Worth Individuals and How to Avoid Taxes as an ultra high net worth person. Ultra high net worth individuals are investors, business owners, and entrepreneurs that are worth more than $30M dollars in any currency. At this level of wealth, you become a target for high tax countries to get more of your wealth. Therefore, you need to be protected and set up your zero tax lifestyle more carefully than other people would.

We discuss the best strategies you as an ultra high net worth individual need to follow to make sure you don’t get taxed and you avoid taxes legally and reduce your taxes to zero percent while enjoying your life and protecting your freedom.


0:00 Ultra High Net Worth Individuals
1:00 Economic Substance and Presence in Your Zero Tax Country
2:43 Buy Real Estate in your Zero Tax Country
4:51 Remove your Ties to Your Home Country
6:27 Get a Second Citizenship by Investment
8:42 Have Multiple Residence Permits in the World
10:21 High Bank Account Balances and Crypto Exchanges
11:25 Be Careful with Local Tax Advisors
13:20 Book a 1-1 Call with Me
14:02 Top 3 Countries my Clients Are Moving To

Who is the Wealthy Expat?

The Wealthy Expat is run by Rafael Cintron, it’s a Youtube channel and vision dedicated to helping you lower your taxes, get a second citizenship, and travel the World to increase your freedoms and happiness. Rafael Cintron is a 7-figure entrepreneur who’s traveled to more than 60 countries, gotten multiple residence permits all over the World, and a second citizenship by investment. He is committed and passionate about teaching you these topics.

If you want to learn more about Rafael and his strategies book a free call with him here:

In this video we talk about:

tax friendly countries, citizenship by investment, avoid taxes, pay zero taxes, ultra high net worth individuals, very high net worth, high net worth individuals, save taxes as a rich person, ultra high net worth taxes, how the rich avoid taxes, how big earners reduce their taxes to zero, taxes rich, wealth taxes, jeff bezos taxes, elon musk taxes, high net worth save taxes, reduce taxes legally, high net worth crypto, avoid crypto taxes, crypto rich, crypto wealth, reduce crypto taxes.

Other related people in this topic:

Nomad capitalist, robert kiyosaki, offshore citizen

DISCLAIMER: This video is not tax and/or financial advice. Any information or advice I give is purely based on my own experience and research. I am not a tax professional and/or lawyer and/or accountant so I am not liable for any steps you take to lower your taxes. I’m not a financial advisor nor do I pretend to be. Always do your own research.



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