Home Immigration PM: Covid passports may not be possible until 'absolutely everybody' offered jab

PM: Covid passports may not be possible until 'absolutely everybody' offered jab

PM: Covid passports may not be possible until 'absolutely everybody' offered jab

Boris Johnson has said it may not be feasible to implement coronavirus health certificates until everyone has been offered a vaccine, as publicans criticised his plans.

The Prime Minister said on Thursday that the Government will say more on their possible use in early April, and suggested they could also be based on whether individuals have developed antibodies through infection, as well as vaccinations and negative tests.

But landlords rejected their use after his earlier suggestion it could be up to them to decide whether to screen customers’ certificates on entry, ahead of fresh details emerging of a possible incentive for pubs to adopt the measure.

Mr Johnson also defended his credentials as a “freedom lover” as some lockdown-sceptic Conservative backbenchers prepared to rebel in a Commons vote to extend coronavirus laws for a further six months.

The boss of the Shepherd Neame chain said that making jabs mandatory for entry to pubs is a “fairly poorly thought-out idea”, as trade bodies suggested the idea was “simply unworkable”.

Mr Johnson insisted “no decisions have been taken at all”, saying that there will be an update on the review into their possible use on either April 5 or 12, and said that “whatever happens” the April 12 reopening of pub gardens will be unaffected.

The Prime Minister said that “I do think there is going to be a role for certification”, though it is possible this will be limited to foreign travel.

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  1. Passports? Imagine not being able to purchase, sell, travel, eat, speak publicly, assemble, without the "The Mark" of "Beast" Biden!
    Universal truths are about to come to light in a revelation eons in the making!

  2. Boris Have you had the vaccine? You will of course come back and say Ive no doubt, Ive had Covid. I dont need the vaccine. Well so have many other including me. Varients of this will continue. The vaccines won't work for the Varients, You can't close the World down, It will create War in the end. We have alredy been destroyed. This scare the life out of me. Stop it before we are destroyed. You do not understand medicine! You are not a scientist. The best way forward until this has settled are Antibody tests. Dont detroy our country any more than you have. Open it up. People are starving, homeless due to this

  3. They need digital id’s to create a bridge between our physical bodies and digital self for the internet of things and AI. This will eventually lead to worn sensors and subdermal implants like in China as they already use this system, so much for tin foil. The vaccine passport is a means to easing this system in and it would be expanded into the full digital ID System.

  4. People just be happy the road map out of lock down is in tact. Things are going according to plan. The lock down law has to be in place for them to follow through with the road map and the finical benefits they're providing.

  5. It's not time to panic whether pandemic or not, what you should know is that time don't wait for anyone so life goes on. It's time to digitally upgrade your financial education and Physical cash in your wallet,You can easily trade crypto currencies for cash or assets like gold instantly with incredibly low fees.

  6. What we want to do… were the only words I listened to before I paused it and came to the comments.. the we he speaks of are the people who control him.. what We as a country wants to do is very different to what they are trying to force us into. Ide like to see the marketing spend they call covid.. that must be some huge budget full of bribes and blackmail and subliminal and emotional messages. Totally illegal without the cover of the covid act.. and it amazes me how they knew ahead of time to add all these loop holes into the covid act which make illegal practices legal.. almost like they knew the future..

  7. "Those with medical conditions, pregnant women can't get the vaccine"…….."at the moment". Theyre definitely trying to force this upon us. And already those who have had the vaccine are acting like theyre good citizens for doing the "right thing". Its sick.

  8. This is it, Fascist Britain is becoming a thing now, So if you don't get vaccinated, your freedom is taken, seems quite like a dictatorship maybe, Nazi Germany? North Korea? Its up to us, the middle class working people to fix this country and to save our freedom, we must rise!

  9. criminal! not such a conspiracy theory now is it?! this will promote a 2 tier society full of hatred & discrimination. makes me sick to my stomach some idiots support this and voted him in to start with!!

  10. I hate reporters who talk over people trying to answer there questions, they have no manners. Stop stop keep spouting questions without listening to his answer!

  11. People are getting blood clots & are getting the virus for the first time only after taking the vaccine I have just heard there are baby's embro's in the vaccine?? & I should always have the right to say no to having the vaccine because I have never had the virus & I never go anywhere because I am acrophobic & suffer with manic depression so I really am confused still

  12. It's not only pregnant women who don't want or can't receive the vaccine. There are also health conscious people who take a good care of their health and don't want any potentialy harmful substances with no long-term studies injected in their bodies.

  13. Boris Johnson if you let covid passport actually happened then that is mean that you are dehumanised person that who is going to bring tyranny state to this country

  14. If everyone has been offered the jab then the passport wouldn't be opening places earlier, it's just a bullying tactic against everyone who refuses it. Give up your freedom to decide what you have in your veins or we will take your freedom to decide where you can go


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