Home Resorts REJECTED by Honda Shop in Portugal! What's wrong with my Motorcycle? Dominator 650 Dual Sport /18

REJECTED by Honda Shop in Portugal! What's wrong with my Motorcycle? Dominator 650 Dual Sport /18

REJECTED by Honda Shop in Portugal! What's wrong with my Motorcycle? Dominator 650 Dual Sport /18

Alright guys, the day started out really good and i loved riding on the Adventure Country Tracks (ACT) again but than this scary engine noise came back. First Repair shop sent me straight to Honda Evora and after letting me wait for 3h the head mechanic told me this…

#hondadominator650 #engineproblem #motorcycletravel

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Portugal on Honda Dominator 650 Adventure

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Bike and Camera Equipment:

Honda NX 650 RD02″Dominator” build in 1989.
Some specs you can find here:

DJI Mavic Mini Drone:
DJI Osmo Action:
Dji Osmo Pocket:

Insta 360 GO:

Editing Software:
Luma Fusion 2.0
Just recently stumbled across this great editing app for the iphone and i am super impressed and loive working with it. This is gonna be my favorite workstation and super practical for on the road editing.Love it!

Final Cut Pro X

For this Video and for all the videos i do at home, not being out with the bike i use Final Cut since for me it was the easiest to use program with a very intuitive Interface and cool colorgrading options.

KineMaster on Iphone
Here’s the link to the IOS App:

Using the Iphone allows me to cut all my videos and clips on the road without carrying the laptop which makes everything so much easier and it’s fun with the app;)

More about that and how i do stuff i will probably explain in future videos.

Adventure Bikes that I like:
Honda Transalp
Honda Africa Twin
Royal Enfield Himalayan

Channels I watch right now that inspire me a lot:
Pedro Mota
Motorcycle Travel Channel
Bikes and Beards
Brille Und Hut
Itchy Boots
On Her Bike
Ken Heron
Motorcycle Adventures
the Inja
Big Rock Moto
Charly Sinewan
Motorcycle Adventure Dirtbike TV
Outdoor Boys
Life Uncontained



  1. I'm portuguese and I felt really bad for what you past here… So shameful
    But apart from this I loved the video and the ideia I'm kinda impressed that you only have 33,1k subs right now you deserve a lot more, keep yourself up you are in a good path

    PS: Your bike looks amazing

  2. Hi Marc, I'm from Portugal, and I can say here in Portugal when you go somewhere and ask for help and their first concern is that's almost lunch time, or other excuse rather than solve the problem, don't comeback, just go another place, find another shop, somethimes the not oficial shops have the best people with the best knowlage. I'm sorry that you have to experience this, us portuguese love to help, but there is allways this people.
    He first sayd "Now its not making any noise", and didn't care to go further to try to understand what was the problem.

  3. Just to add, 2 mechanics also told me that all si good im imagining things. But then i torn it apart my self and saw that cam tensioner was basicly broken. I bought one and had it replaced.

  4. Cara sou do Brasil,Eu vejo seus vídeos com legendas,Oque é um pouco chato mas vale apena pelo seu conteúdo,senpre amei motos principalmente as altas cilindradas da honda de apoca como a sua,Parabéns pelo conteúdo.😎👌

  5. I only saw scooters in his workshop and if he had a work in progress …

    Africa Twin is actually HONDA Africa Twin :))

    What to do on a motorcycle if everything is ok? Then they put a lot of value on the lunch break, on the mask … you didn't wear the mask even though they wore it – that's a sign of respect and you just showed them that you don't really respect them – cultures and cultures.

    Maybe for high temperatures a thicker oil helps – or higher quality.

  6. ridiculous, I don't have half the gear even riding for weeks across europe North-east-south-north (de-ch-it-at-sl-hu-ro-bu-tk-gr-it-es-pt-es-fr-de) and staying for months around (jul-nov), riding hottest summers and freezing autumns. Well everyone as he likes, no worry. But I'm astonished.

  7. Não entendi muito bem, mais essa concessionária não deu atenção necessária e aquela mulher com aqueles cabelos voando e gritando parecia uma louca não entende nada de motos realmente, espero que consiga resolver o problema do motor mais breve possível abraços 🤗

  8. Man ! Look for the right side of the page, you visited Evora that is a very beautiful city in Portugal 🇵🇹 regarding the engine, basically the problem is intermittent, when the boss checked the engine nothing wrong happened. The boss said that the engine sound was ok. If the problem is when the engine is heat, then you need to say that to the mechanics. More clear

  9. A mechanic needs to hear the noise to understand but by your description I know what the issue is and it's literally a five minute fix for now.
    If it gets worse later then you replace the timing chain guides and possibly a new timing chain and adjust the valve clearances. The cylinder head must be removed to replace the timing chain and guides.
    But seriously first thing I'd do is adjust the tensioner at the rear left hand side of the engine.
    Easy with a few tools.

  10. That noise is the timing chain tensioner and guides loose, they are adjustable on the LHS, adjust it then possibly adjust the valve clearances, not a big drama, with some knowledge you can fix it yourself.
    But otherwise get it done by a trained mechanic. 👍

  11. That shop owner/manager of the Honda Store should be ashamed . I hope lots of people watched this video and saw how rude and unhelpful he was to a traveller. I wouldn't ask that asshat to check the oil of my Honda. Boycott him please.

  12. iv had all 4 and i rate motors suzuki s no 1 yamaha no 2 kawasaki no 3 honda no 4 i do ride 70 s80 s bikes my gs motor has less parts in the motor i do build and ride my bikes all over europe for years 75 years young biker

  13. Cam chain tensioner, swap the auto with a manual one adjustable.
    And of course you should start to think replacing the cam chain in a near future, have done that job but keep the manual tensioner

  14. I agree with most comments that it more than likely is a cam chain tension issue iv had same thing on Hondas iv had in passed and once a valve is noisy stays noisy but do check oil top if it needs some oil good luck 👍🏻

  15. Report that garbage dealership to Honda, the woman was giving you dirt the minute you arrived, any country that takes 3 hour lunches are lazy worthless a–holes get out of that place you have just saved me a lot of pain and anger, a place for any adult man to shun. Regards, James, CANADA

  16. The motorbike is almost 30 years old, you should not take it touring anymore because it's in a worrisome condition. A touring motorbike requires good air conditioning and liquid cooling the further the engine travels, the hotter the engine, so engine parts will tire and wear out quickly . My advice is to just buy a new motorbike if you have money from YouTube, brothers.

  17. Hi Mark. I was the exactly same problem on my Dominator. It was a pain in the ass until I found the origin of that noise. I it a loose valve seat! And probably the on on the right exhaust valve. It's a documented problem that happen some times. It stats from nothing and making noise some times went the engine is hot, and becoming more frequently as time goes on. Went the engine is cool the head and the valve seat get tight and the noise stops until it get hot again. The only solution it to disable the head and put new valve seats. Hope it helps you

  18. Hi. you need to change the cam chaine tensioner.
    The person couldn't help you because is a small garage and I may not have right tools or knowledge.
    I do apologise for the way that main dealer Honda in Évora behaved, not really helpful, that's not the way Honda work in Portugal, you should complain to Honda Portugal.

  19. I'm Italian but I'm leaving in Portugal for study reasons! And i understand one thing ! People that works how mechanics in audi, bmw, Mercedes, Honda ect know nothing on motors and mechanic! I went in a Audi machanic store to change a light … 8 mechanics looking to a machanic changing the light and lots of cars to do …. 4 hours for a light change, ha had a battery problem and after 2 times that I went with this problems they all 2 times said that was no problem ! They rejected the request to do a diagnostic … And after a real discussion they changed the battery and i said i would not have paid because the car did the check the week before ! In this country nobody want to work and if they work … Works very very bad !


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