Home Immigration Retiring In Portugal | Getting Residency In Portugal | Black Women Abroad

Retiring In Portugal | Getting Residency In Portugal | Black Women Abroad

Retiring In Portugal | Getting Residency In Portugal | Black Women Abroad

Halaisi and her husband (@Our Black Utopia) will be retiring to Portugal. She shares the process of planning their move.

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  1. This is a great interview!! The upside of covid for me was that, when I was able to work from home, instead of spending so much time commuting & being exhausted, I was able to slow my life down and learned so much!! I also discovered Christina and Amon during this time and binged all of their content. Life changing!! I'm behind of retirement planning but feel armed with SO much great information that I'm trying to plan my own retirement escape while also helping my young nephew to get started now so that he's much better off than his aunt! Thanks Adalia!!

  2. My partner and I are making the move in Nov. You have really helped us in this process. Your checklist has kept us focused and on track to meet our goal. I so appreciate what you do, and while we’ll be in Merida I still hope to have the pleasure of meeting you.

  3. I love it…Adalia jumped on Halisi’s invite quick! I would too. ‘Here are my plane ticket date…”😂. Loved this discussion. I too have dealt with some care-giving issues that seemed insurmountable. So happy and blessed to now, at this point in my life, put MY self-care first.

  4. Hi Adalia,
    I adore your channel. I am so grateful to you and all the sisters that are sharing their expat experiences and their desire to moving abroad. Thank you so much 🙏🏾

  5. I’m done too. I’m not going to fight anymore. I’m tired. I have made my contribution to the liberation struggle. It’s my time now. Also, I’m not the perpetrator, so it’s not my responsibility.

  6. Regarding learning Portuguese (I’m dabbling with it), I really like Portuguese with Carla. She adds a bit of an African flair and information on how people from Africa speak Portuguese a bit differently. I’ve had to cancel 2 trips to Portugal, but so far, I enjoy how Africa definitely influences Portugal. It’s so close and African countries are so easily accessible from there.

  7. So true what reverse mortgages due to melanated people. They prey on us. Same thing with taking our land by eminent domain, and now the vultures that are taking our property saying buy as is and only gives small amount to what they turn it around and sell it for.


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