Home Immigration Move to Spain | Can you afford to Live in Spain #buyingpropertyinspain #expatinmazarron


  1. hi Shaun just bought a house on sector D , im a builder of 25 years and looked into all the scaremongering about campasole and have made my own decision on my building experience .I'm based in france and have a french residency card . be nice to meet for a drink when im down in a few weeks. my question is do you know ,in france I pay 22% tax on my turnover is spain taxing on turnover or profit. Great vlogs regards Chris

  2. Hi Shaun, thanks for another great vlog.
    I think once again the Spanish Government have done there own legs…the majority will look at other destinations to retire.
    Healthcare is the main issue for pensioners now who retire to Spain unless you have plenty of money.
    I think being expected to take a Spanish driving test is an insult, when I lived in Spain we had to dodge the bad drivers especially after lunch when they have had a few.. they need to change and stop being tight on the Brits…rant over 😄😄👍🇬🇧

  3. Hi Shaun, good info on cost for living in Spain you should also tell people that the personal allowance on taxation is much lower than UK and that it's set in euro's so you have to factor in the exchange rate. Keep up the posts Duddy they are very useful for those who watch the T V programmes and see life through rose tinted glasses.

  4. Great advice, how about a Solar panel just for your pool? Wanted to move but researched everything, taxes and car tests,put us off, so looking holiday villa Albox region, prices going up here, glad I’m an old fogey

  5. Good advice Shaun. You’d certainly know what it takes to get there with all your experience. Cost of living here going through roof too. Could be time for another world wide recession. Thanks for sharing the video 🙏👍


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