German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on Thursday said that Russia’s attack on Ukraine was the biggest challenge facing Germany and the world at the present time.
Scholz said that as the war was “Putin’s war,” he was not at all keen on banning all Russians from receiving tourist visas for the EU, as has been demanded by countries such as Estonia and Ukraine itself.
Scholz made the comments at a summer press conference that became an annual tradition under his predecessor, Angela Merkel.
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#Scholz #Russia #Ukraine
Even Coca Cola has gone up in price! Why hasn't your salary increased yet?
Our supreme defender of western values Zelensky had another wet dream. This time it's about collective sanctions against Russian travelers. I cannot see a collective guilt of all people in Russia.
The Schengen Information System provides enough opportunities to exclude the group of people who support Putin.
It's just a matter of triggering the public as interest wanes.
💡Olaf is a BALANCED and KEEN leader who avoids extremism of all kinds.🎯
👉🏿The world needs more leaders like him.✅
Banning their visas would only stir the pot that is already nearly boiling over
Russians can't go west. They can't go anywhere for that matter.
I'm actually quite mad at Scholz. Like, he loves oil, but now he's now he's starting to look a bit like donald trump to me. And being a german, this is concerning to me.
Scholz is a spineless coward.
It seems that since the war more and more people are somehow interested in german politics. But I feel the driver for this is not curiousity. It's finding fault and mistakes.. Just want to let you know that Germany has it's own way of dealing with things and does not have to align with your country all the time. A lot of hate is based on ignorance and not really understanding the situation in Germany at all.
Somehow I do not think banning Russians will stop them at the Oder.
What has anything to do with Russian people!? You labeled them like products..
November 1938 collaboration agreement between NKVD and Gestapo (signed between Beria and Hermann Göring . 1939 Ribbentrop-Molotov pact. 1939 Moscow attacked Finland (the Foreign Minister, Molotov, claimed the Soviet was not dropping bombs on Finland, but merely airlifting food to starving Finns as nowadays Lavrov talks about russian peace in Ukraine.)Times by now Germans feeding the war machine.
The German government should be concerned about the homeless people, unemployed people, poor people living in Germany 🇩🇪, instead of thinking about giving visas to Russian people.
Sanctions are directed at individual people to try and cause the people to topple the government. Such deception.
In regards to Russia and China, you can always depend on Germany to do the wrong thing.
Scholz has been neutered by Putin.
Yeah cuz why should my grandma not be able to come visit me. She isn’t killing any Ukrainians
¡¡Say NO to Russia!!
Warum vergießen die westlichen Waffen die Blüte von armen und von unschuldigen Menschen auf der Erde? Warum exportieren Waffen nach Saudi araben, Türkei, Ägypten, pakistan oder in Asia, Afrika, Mittelamerika? Wo ist der Humanismus? Warum gibt es ofter in indirekt Beteilung am Krieg?
Russia is a Terrorist State.
Madness at peaks..
I agree with this one, because only educated and skilled russians are fleeing the country.
Undercover agent
Of course he rejects it. Now europe switched sides and want to dump america and nato. Interesting times eh?