Our van life journey and search for off grid land continues in Central Portugal and we share 2 more possibilities. After unexpectedly falling in love with the area we head to one of the many river beaches to cool down and discover what to do when its 40 degrees here! Not only is this place great for van life and off grid living but the scenery is incredible too!
We’ve got a decision to make as its not just the area we’ve fallen in love with.. And as we need to make our way back to Spain for some commitments, we decide that we have to get back ASAP to see more and make this life changing decision once and for all! Could we be land owners in Portugal? Stay tuned!
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We are Nick and Sarah a couple with our 2 little dogs Dizzee and Charlie we are the exPAWers! We have a passion for CREATIVE FILM MAKING and a LOVE FOR TRAVEL and our plan is to DRIVE ACROSS THE WORLD and to inspire others to follow their dreams.
SUBSCRIBE! if you’re interested in what it’s like to be LIVING IN A VAN, how to TRAVEL THE WORLD ON A BUDGET, easy and healthy VAN LIFE MEALS and the BEST PLACES TO VISIT IN EUROPE and soon AROUND THE WORLD.
We don’t have a NEW MOTORHOME, SELF CONVERTED SPRINTER VAN, VW CAMPERVAN, 4WD OVERLANDING EXPEDITION VEHICLE, or a LUXURY RV but that doesnt stop us! Our 32 year old rusty FORD TRANSIT keeps going and has taken us to 30 countries already.. So stay tuned for many more!
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#vanlife #vanlifeeurope #offgrid
Thanks for watching you lovely lot 🥰.. So what do you think? Should we just go for it and get the nice little plot of land we like a lot or keep looking for something even more perfect??
I think you should take your time as you can always visit Portugal any time that you wish to. Having land there might curtail your travels as you would have the responsibility of the land. Have you seen the channel called the Indie Project. They have renovated a barn on their piece of land in Portugal (which you would not be doing obviously) but the amount of work needed on the actual land is enormous and ongoing. This is a huge decision and you may need to really take your time, perhaps mull it over for a while. You need to think about how long that land has been for sale and whether you could sell it on if you changed your minds. Someone has obviously had a go to make something of the land, hence the little kitchen area, shower and toilet but why did they leave? P.S. I absolutely love your channel and your travels and the way you interact with each other. So much love between you both.
Unfortunately this area is freezing cold in the winter. We're hoping to spend some time somewhere further South for the worst couple of months or so again next winter. Lots of people, especially estate agents here say it's only cold for a couple of weeks but it's much longer. Don't get me wrong we love this area, it's stunning and the people are lovely.
Also we don't regret buying a very small piece of land, compared to many others, so it's far less work than it could have been which frees us up for more travel too. Boa Sorte with your choices! X
As normal from both of you two free spirits a great vlog, you really do make us look at life in a different way to what we have done over the years ,but unfortunately we are now to old to consider living the way you do, we wish we had done it years ago , but we see a lot of Europe by watching your vlogs, your outlook in life is an amazing way to live , can’t stress it to much but you both ( and the dogs) have opened our eyes to take life’s day at a time.. we really hope you find the plot you want soon but if not you can carry on travelling and eventually find the right one. Don’t jump the gun and take anything that comes up you know what is your hearts desire when you see it, can’t wait till your next vlog pity Thursday was not every day of the week . Take care guys and stay safe, oh and the wife just said they never see to get Ill even though they travel so much , she says it must be the nice fresh air and healthy eating. See you Thursday . Love to all
Don’t think you have the chops for the off grid lifestyle in central Portugal.
Hi are you back in castelo blanco ? And I loved the first place it was beautiful 😍
Hi are you back in castelo blanco ? And I loved the first place it was beautiful 😍
I’d be worried for the dogs with wells around. You can make sure yours are properly fenced or walled but what if adjoining land just has random holes in the ground? It would be so easy for the dogs to just wander off and fall in.
Buy the land!,, I bet you are in Costello Branco! ( spelling?) xxx
Never too long except between episodes☺️
Hi guys
Actually you are both normal even though you can’t make your minds up.
Glad you didn’t buy any land as I think you will find the right place eventually. Just not there.
Had me in stitches as i couldn’t stop laughing at you both getting into the water.
See you back in Spain
Safe journey home
Love Kim x x
Hi Guy's….watched your adventures for a couple of years now, even the pandemic era of lockdowns….excuse my confusion, are you buying in Portugal to move from Spain or increasing your property portfolio and having options on where to stay…😄
Great vid as always guys, we are hoping to make it to Portugal in Oct to look for something similar, can you recommend any agents to help the search😬
I think you should let us come and have a look, touring Portugal right now. 🙂
Mosquito pond and not in walking distance of a grocery store.
Latest news air zones 1st September 50 pounds diesel vehicles in UK
Love it
Great blog again guys I think you should still buy a plot of land but carry on looking when you find the,land your know when it's,right for you your heart will let know your pups are so adorable and well behaved just love them 🐶🐶🐾🐾🥰🥰cannot wait for next week's blog thanks guys safe travels ❤❤
You are parked in Marvão. A good idea to go back in the winter.
I like the first and second one the best 😁 so many decisions!
dear lovely ex pawers please please please choose a cool place for the doggies totravel or land….especially the one having seasures .im worried….southern europe is lovely but also hot an dits getting hotter andh hotter and than fires all over the place….its very strange before I saw the vid on seasures of the brown one i had felt he wasnt well…Ihave that ability…..please move to a cooler place for him…..the black one can manage…..A little more up North near water…..xxx
Keep looking!
well you saved me doing a search on what a strawberry tree looks like! and as for taking your time – you really need to – the heat of the summer, the wet in the winter – good to test it all – tho as you're not planning to actually live there and not such a large investment you could always cut your losses in a year or two and move on – ummm – I'm dithering for you……