Home Real Estate Renovating Mansion Into A Wedding Venue To Avoid EVICTION | Country House Rescue | Abode

Renovating Mansion Into A Wedding Venue To Avoid EVICTION | Country House Rescue | Abode

Renovating Mansion Into A Wedding Venue To Avoid EVICTION | Country House Rescue |  Abode

Whitbourne Hall is a Grade 2 property located in Worcester. In the 70s the owner invited a group of friends to live in the hall in a mine, being completely self-sufficient. The house is still home to a large commune of people, however, with upkeep being expensive, residences are forced to find alternatives to fun the hall. However, with so many opinions no one can agree on what to do! Can Ruth Watson save this commune ? Or will the 37 be forced to leave? Find out on Country House Rescue!

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  1. My goodness….not in a million years would I live in a place like that with a whole bunch of strangers….nobody to blame but themselves….Best of luck to any of them trying to sell their one little piece of a mansion like that which has so many others living there…..hope they have all the bin collection charges etc sorted out!…lol……my god….what a nightmare…..

  2. I would have thought it was perfectly obvious that the service charge should be based on the square meterage of the apartment occupied, and this would allow the total to be augmented while the amount payed by the man in the small apartment where the Butler's pantry used to be could actually diminish and be more proportionate to the size of his dwelling.
    Basically the residents must make their minds up, either they have more events and sacrifice a little of their privacy, or they pay more so that they don't need to. Like so many people in Britain, they want to have their cake and eat it, and that just doesn't work.

  3. Well….I watched this, listened carefully, and then read all the comments. I think that what we have here with some of them is old fashioned shortsightedness, selfishness, and the unfortunate traits that often come with the elderly. I see things differently at 74 than when I was 50. Needs change with age. Perhaps it's time for the elderly who cannot handle the noise to find a home elsewhere for the sake of the survival of the building. You must be flexible, willing to try something new that is within the realm of possibility. When you stop believing that, it's all over.

  4. I'm only 4 minutes in but ahh, renters shouldn't have a say in matters that owners should be deciding. Maybe I need to rewatch the four to understand what the legal situation is concerning this property. I must have missed it. 10:29 So, the apartment dwellers are owners, not renters. But it's very simple, the big house will crumble around them if it isn't repaired and kept up. If they don't like the idea of sharing the grounds and ballroom for events, they should sell their apartment to people who understand the big picture. I would LOVE to live there.

  5. The problem with cooperative housing like this one is that it creates a parasitic environment. You have the biggest flat but are paying the same fees as the person in the butler's pantry?! Some people are working and others not. It's clear the majority of them can't afford to live there but want the status of living in a country manor. The one guy wearing cheap suit and tie wants to make business contacts so he's pushing for day conferences. The fact is most of them are elderly and can't do the work that needs to be done but can't afford to pay people to serve them. It's the entitlement, laziness and greed that doesn't make one care much for the outcome of this estate.

  6. The easiest route
    for those Individual's Is to continue exactly what they're doing, Absolutely Nothing.
    When the time comes and they must move,
    maybe then
    they'll see
    It was far more Inconvenient
    to of done nothing..
    This Is why
    they're In the spot
    they now find themselves…
    Won't feel sorry
    for folk's
    who refuse to help themselves…

  7. I thot the posh camping ground was a great $ making idea & the campers can be told they cant venture onto the residents area as its private so its rather puzzling why they rejected this proposal

  8. i guess they call this solitude Cos they alone cant buy such a huge mansion place and ground for £285k so its a compromise really actually this is no different from Living in an apartment cos still have to live with lots of
    People in the same abode but at least apartment small but have own privacy & not have to worry about the common areas falling apart cos there’s a managing agent to handle stuff like that

  9. I would never want to live like this However beautiful it may be. Ruth's remark of the service charge being heightened that too based on square footage was absolutely correct. The cost of 1 apple can't be the same of a kilo of apples.

  10. I don't think they need a dictator, they just need acceptance that the things have changed and they need to adapt. There's nothing worse for people that live in quiet places than change, but change always come, either you are happy with it or not.


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