It’s fantastic to be back on the road and heading to Tenby in Wales. This time we are going to try something a little different…
Who Are We?
We’re Alan and Sadge, a couple from the UK living full time in our off grid converted van Apollo.
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Coming to UK for Queens Jubilee next week. We will definitely be having mushy peas & fish n chips! I’ve seen canned mushy peas here in Australia but haven’t tried them!
We’re Welsh and have lived here all our lives and have never made it to Tenby!! Just found you too, we loved this video. Great drone footage. We need to visit Tenby, it looks gorgeous! Cheers 🍻
Great video and a BIG congrats on the new arrival, good times ahead! Alan what is the name of those funky Oakley sunglasses?
Best wishes you two! Love the randomness of your Vlogs! It feels very natural and honest. We are pleased things are ok. We have been keeping our fingers tightly crossed for you both. We feel the same about campsites! Nothing like a warm shower every now and then!
Ah hahaha, did you see the guy walking by vigorously scratching his asshole at 8:15 as you were setting up the chairs 😂😂😂
Very British Summer hols, rain, fish n chips and marauding seagulls! Lovely chilled vibe, well done 🧘now I really want a Welsh cake😋 Great finishing shot, let's hope it's all ice-cream and sunburn with sand in your pants next week 🏖️🍦🥏🪁👙🩴🚣
That bloke passing on 8:00 wasn't half having rake
Great to see you back, party on guys, bigfish
No wonder you are tired and hungry. Your body has been turned into a machine, which is building a new person.
It needs building blocks which is in the food, and it's constantly working now.. 😀
I have this thought regarding hunger and food, and also cravings during pregnancy.
I think if you get all the daily nutrients you need, you won't be as hungry, and also you won't get the cravings.
Because your body remembers what nutrient is in things you have eaten before, so it will ask you to eat this thing, with this thing, because those two nutrients needs to be together for the building process.
But it's just a thought 🤔😅
I was just about to say what is a welshcake ? And Akan gave the most fantastic description. In order of food preference I'd go … kebab, fish and chips, cheese scone and ginger biscuits. So this blog has basically been my idea of food heaven.
I was about to say, 'fish and chips are the best' … and then I saw the kebab …
Mushy peas yes please
Sickness is sign of a strong pregnancy they say though I was lucky enough never to suffer
O and I did loads of cold water swimming too after the first trimester,now got a 16 year old daughter who swims like a fish
Hope you enjoy this special time 💟
Mushy peas or curry sauce with fish and chips! X
I think we may have just missed you in Pembrokeshire. We were there four weeks ago. Did you make it to Skomer Island? It's awesome. So many puffins, although we were far too early for the pufflings! Thanks for reminding us of some places we've just been to.
Glad you liked Tenby and particularly liked seeing the site we'll be at in two weeks' time. Welshcakes and sausage rolls, Tenby's sounding great already.
Brilliant you two. You are both very entertaining! Keeping me entertained in the sunshine of Bulgaria! 🌞👍
Ps. I am going to update our chairs whe we return. Ours are rubbish 😅
Congratulations guys so happy for you x sorry your feeling yucky it’s Orrible x won’t last too long hopefully x
Lovely to see you both taking it easy for a while. Will keep watching wether you’re in a campsite, at your parent’s or on the road. Much love xxxx🌈❤️
Great to see you back in the van. Tenby looks great. Thanks for sharing another entertaining video.
Great video as usual! thanks