5 years later, i’m in disbelief that a delicate burn exists let alone is being released to all of these people who became so connected to my art. thank you to anyone who watched warmish, or anything i’ve ever created. with your support i’ve grown and improved as an artist in ways i never anticipated. i hope you love a delicate burn and receive it with your heart the way i have because this was a hard story for me to tell. this project means so much to me, in more ways than you can even imagine. this journey has been so magical and rewarding and doing it with my best friends has been one of the greatest gifts.
i extend to you a little piece of my soul, and i am so proud to be here and share this film with you. i hope you love it as much as i do.
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instagram: @braxiejacobson
spotify: @braxiejacobson
tiktok: @braxiejacobson
I wish they make more film like this it's beautiful
I am speechless, at this time in my life I needed to see this. I am so proud of and grateful for Braxie, Alex, Alyssa, and Zoe for creating the most perfect film that closes the story and leaves people thinking about their own situations. I am in awe.
That was heartbreaking and beautiful, thank you so much for these 🤍✨
Wow Honestly I expected for a ending like this, but it doesn't let to being a beautiful final, you don't let down and I really appreciate this strong story between Ellie and Parker, makes me think a lot and you build real persons with real problems that connect with so many people and it's amazing how this ending left a really clear message, even when you love someone and you feel a strong conection it's important keep a healthy realationship and if that means to get away from each other to grow up and been a better person, that has to be, it's kinda sad but it's the best for both as well and it's beautiful to think the other person it's Happy and better… thank u so mucho to all of you guys, great job 👏🏼 👏🏼 👏🏼
in tears because in my head ellie and parker ended up together but i definitely think this was the ending that was needed.
i know this isn’t the right time, but i have been in love with parker for the past five years like 😭
I have to stop falling in love with characters and you guys are not helping! Thanks to Braxie's writing and Zoe's cuteness, I'm in love with Ellie and there is nothing I can do about it cause she's not real
Okay, after multiple re-watches just to digest everything, here is my detailed review of #ADelicateBurn. Braxie, Zoe, Alex, & Alyssa, if you're reading this, take your time to read my appreciation of you guys' work.
Just the first scene alone, it was obvious to me that Parker (Alex Bailey) is dealing with loss and confusion because of her break-up with Ellie (Zoe Rolfsen). To help herself cope, Parker and her best friend Fern (Alyssa Tassart) go on a life-changing road-trip that would change Parker's perspective on love and life.
On paper, this kind of story may feel a bit cliché and mundane. But when executed well, this feels raw and natural in its storytelling, almost reminiscent of GL (Girls' Love) manga and Yuri anime I've seen. I often find it rare for western LGBTQ+ content to go the more simple route in storytelling, which is why I am very careful with such content from the west, especially with what Hollywood is doing these days.
Much like Braxie's previous short films, Warm and Warmish, A Delicate Burn feels like a deliberate break from the heavy sexualization of lesbians in Hollywood. Though there are a few intimate scenes of Parker and Ellie, they're not sexualized to the point where I often find myself cringing in discomfort, instead it's tasteful where I smile in glee. The chemistry alone between Alex Bailey and Zoe Rolfsen is what kept me invested in their respective characters and it shows after a 5-year period.
On technical aspects, I would say cinematography is the most improved out of the Warm/Warmish film trilogy. I had to remind myself that this is an amateur production with just one person, but with everything I've seen from Braxie's work, she has learned and grown a lot as a filmmaker. From balanced pacing to improved editing, I see so much potential from Braxie in possibly becoming a professional film director. The script itself is also very impressive. I don't know how or where Braxie finds inspiration in writing dialogue, but whenever her words are conveyed by the actors, it sounds natural and almost Mumblecore-esque in its vibe.
My highest praise for A Delicate Burn would have to be the acting, most particularly Alex Bailey. Out of all the performances, Alex is the most expressive actor I've seen. Just seeing her act in some of Braxie's work, it boggles me that Alex hasn't considered doing an acting career. Her eyes alone convey so much raw emotions as Parker, and it's a stark contrast to Zoe Rolfsen's Ellie, whose calm, Mona Lisa-like restraint, balances Parker's expressive dilemma. Alyssa Tassart's Fern brings out the stern comic relief and voice of reason for Parker, which is good comfort as the shenanigans of these two bring some levity to a somewhat sad story.
I will say that I don't really relate to what Parker and Ellie went through, and I know there are some who might feel that this story contributes to the erasure of lesbian relationships in media, which I can sympathize with. But to me, it's the complete opposite. As a straight guy myself, this story feels very realistic and universal in its portrayal of relationships with your significant other. We may not have gotten a happy ending for these two characters, but what they have gone through with this 5-6 year journey is something of a life lesson for many couples, be it straight of LGBTQ+. You can learn to find yourself, whether emotionally, mentally or spiritually, and still be committed to your significant other, knowing that being in a relationship takes a lot of sacrifice. Whatever comes next to Parker & Ellie, we can only hope they find themselves and their own happiness.
Overall, A Delicate Burn feels like the perfect closure to this chapter. Braxie Jacobson has crafted something very universal that I feel will find its way in many people's hearts (or radar, if the YT algorithm insists so). Ms. Jacobson, if you're reading this, take a bow. As a fan of your work since Warmish, and a backer of this beautiful film, whatever comes next from you, be it another short film or potentially a feature-length movie, I will be here to support you.
so glad i could contribute to this. what a beautiful ending :,)
Ok I definitely cry, it was just a rollercoaster of emotions, love it 🥰
The ending we needed 🍂
I watched warmish when it first came out, and I have never felt so comfortable watching something. Warmish became my safe place, and it helped me come out to my sister, soon after watching warmish I got into my first relationship, and much like Parker & Ellie it wasn't amazing. A delicate burn was entirely what I needed to come to terms with that and (finally) properly move on and realise how much I have grown since Warmish. Thank you Braxie, Alex, Zoe, & Alyssa for continuing and finishing this story in such a beautiful way, I am eternally grateful to all of you for helping me be comfortable with myself.
p.s. is there going to a playlist because the soundtrack is so so good
Parker is amazing I wish I could find a girl like her
I love how Parker keeps fighting for elllie even though ellie keeps pushing her away this is true love right here they are soul mates and perfect together I think ellie is scared to commit to Parker and has doubts about their relationship I absolutely love this beautifully directed and written hope there is a part 4
It's heartbreaking, but I get what they both went through.
oh how i’ve missed fern’s humorous comments (‘:
i literally ask myself the same thing everyday what am i doing wrong? Parker i can totally relate im 24 and I still don't know what the hell I'm doing. This short film is soooo damn great warmish changed my life literally so when I heard about this I knew that I had to watch this
wow!! this so so nice to see, people choosing themselves at the end of the day but it is true so many people need to grow in themselves before they can be there to love someone else so thank you for this <3
I’m just now learning about this and I absolutely can’t 🥹
I can't express how overcome with pure joy I am to see this come to fruition. Looking at the Warmish poster hanging on my wall and seeing how far this project as come, it's absolutely beautiful. In every way. These are the kinds of stories and representation that deserve the spotlight. This entire series, Warm to Warmish to A Delicate Burn, is absolutely a triumph. Congratulations Braxie, Alex, Alyssa, Zoe and the entire team, you deserve all the praise in the world.
I was around 16 years old when Warmish came out and I fell in love with it, it was so good, and then warm, I know it’s vise versa but that’s how I saw it. One and then the other, may have stalked your account for a long time then shit happened and all. But I loved it so much I came back and watched it because of the way it made me feel. Being gay myself, it’s never easy especially when parents don’t accept it but I still watched this. Because it made me happy. I was sad when I first heard there wasn’t going to be anything more after warmish but I was so excited when I heard this was coming out. Beautiful work, all of you. Braxie, you did such an amazing job. ❤️ Love you all and thank you so much for this wonderful piece