Home Real Estate A Growing Number Of Americans Are Leaving America, Why?

A Growing Number Of Americans Are Leaving America, Why?

A Growing Number Of Americans Are Leaving America, Why?

A Growing Number Of Americans Are Leaving America, Why?
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  1. I'll be honest with you Dynast as much as I love my African American brothers and sisters I don't want FBA/ADOS on the motherland, they have self-hate issues and they hate Africans and Caribbeans, I think just like the racist white folks they should stay in the plantation unless those amongst them that are willing to change their negative mindset towards their fellow African and Caribbean brothers and sisters.

  2. We can stop them from destroying any new Black Wall Streets we build if we listen more to our black militia leaders and got the majority ourselves armed. If we listened to Amos Wilson, Claude Anderson, John Henrik Clarke, Elijah Muhammad, Malcolm X, Marcus Garvey etc I don't think our issues today would be as extreme as they are now but we have not implemented their strategies for success on mass so now we are paying for it.

  3. Gasdemup is right about China – folks just read headlines and never do any research themselves…China is not colonizing or taking over ANY assets in Africa – in fact they have re-structured several loans that some african govts had trouble paying back

  4. Philippe Lindsey has some serious points. We need to group up, and put our money together, and a build a new reality from the ground up. At least support a family member to buy someplace to live. Wendy is on point. When the collapse is eminent we'll have someplace to go like the immigrants. We have an opportunity to get them to pay for a repatriation city/state if we tie it to reparations. I've been monitoring white peoples spaces and they have indicated that they would support reparations if it was to pay for repatriations.

  5. Stop telling all that truth Dynast😂😂👊🏿.No but seriously i hear you ,and you are right Americas violence in the black community is unacceptable point blank.,🤔👊🏿

  6. I have 0% desire to live in Mexico or any non-Black country. I'm sick of living somewhere where we are not the majority. I don't get why anyone would want that. If it's not Africa or tue Caribbean, they can miss me.


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