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Join our van life adventure in Nazare on Portugal’s West Coast, the land of the big waves and our last van life destination before we head inland to the beautiful city of Tomar and onward to search for our piece of off grid land in Portugal.
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We are Nick and Sarah a couple with our 2 little dogs Dizzee and Charlie we are the exPAWers! We have a passion for CREATIVE FILM MAKING and a LOVE FOR TRAVEL and our plan is to DRIVE ACROSS THE WORLD and to inspire others to follow their dreams.
SUBSCRIBE! if you’re interested in what it’s like to be LIVING IN A VAN, how to TRAVEL THE WORLD ON A BUDGET, easy and healthy VAN LIFE MEALS and the BEST PLACES TO VISIT IN EUROPE and soon AROUND THE WORLD.
We don’t have a NEW MOTORHOME, SELF CONVERTED SPRINTER VAN, VW CAMPERVAN, 4WD OVERLANDING EXPEDITION VEHICLE, or a LUXURY RV but that doesnt stop us! Our 32 year old rusty FORD TRANSIT keeps going and has taken us to 30 countries already.. So stay tuned for many more!
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#vanlifeeurope #fulltimevanlife #offgridland
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Shame you cant get land you want there. You seem to really love the place
A totally entertaining and enjoyable video. My best wishes to Rob, sorry things aren’t great for him.
I can’t say I’m impressed with Nazare at all. I think it’s important you show the negatives. I’m sure the Portuguese wouldn’t want a negative image of their country so hopefully they’ll crack down of these disgusting people. Tomar on the other hand was simply stunning and a place I’d definitely want to visit.
Obviously Charlie was having a bit of a bad day, bless him. Dizzee chasing cats with Sarah aka Margaret in tow made me laugh out loud.
Not sure if you watch Project Ambers channel as he purchased land in Portugal? Maybe he could give you a few tips?
Take care all 😊👍😊
Just watching your video on Tomar we @everydaysaweekend went there in May the site was packed and the grass was 3ft high but the maintenance guys started to clear it as we weee leaving – but we still had a great time there 😎
Loving you guys and your journeys. Following todays video…..Nord vpn. Was mentioned 10 times !!! Hope this gets me the sticker pack.👍
10 times Nord VPN mentioned
I am a subscriber for 2 years. Love your smart decision to buy some property in Portugal. I live in the silver coast area, and the great all year weather here explain the difference in plot prices, but if you decide on central portugal – castelo branco in particular you better meet with the Brits couples "OKportugal" and "The Indie Projects" youtubers living there (If you do not already know them). And i also send you a link to a 36K Euro land in that area (Proença a Velha) advertised few days ago : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JlcAiNIH3lo
This is one of the funniest video you have done, well made me laugh anyway. Mick did you make the missuses tea, she nearly chocked on it, poor lass.
Its a shame there's not enuf rubbish bins is there
Love your vlogs, your humor, seeing Spain & Portugal this season. So glad the heat has abated.
I counted 9 Nord VPN. Almost ran out of fingers!
Warm greetings from Central New York!
Look at Charlie go on those bridges 😎 Love the shorter hair Sarah 😊 Tomar looks stunning.
Nord VPN count….9??
10 times you say nord vpn think I will check them out for when I go on my travels
🤔 I counted 11 times you said Nord VPN great video so sad to see the litter everywhere. Love your hair Sarah and well done Nick 👍 nice to see Charlie & Dizzy enjoying the cool down. Have a good week and hope you find a perfect piece of land 🍇🍇
Hi I believe it was 10 nor vpm
Sending some Love and positive vibes to Rob ❤
And all of you who do NOT litter in the garden of our Mother Nature!! ❤
Enjoyed your video as usual thank you .
Some people are disgusting, no wonder Van parking is becoming more and more difficult. Well that's a major change for you both, what a complete and utter rubbish tip of a place to visit.
Love the channel…my rescue Beaglebull and I are watching!
Spent Christmas day on the beach in Nazare in 1986. No tourists just a few local beach eateries, simple honest food. No graffiti no rubbish in fact a beautiful untouched place of the fishermen. Boats on the shore waiting to go out for their haul. Won't go back, would rather remember the place and the people as it was. My sons then 4,7,11 remember it fondly too. We travelled all over in a converted Morris ambulance. Loved and still love Portuguese and Portugal.
Hi guys, probably too late now but I've been at work and just caught up with your latest video. Anyway we think you mentioned Nord VPN 10 times ? 😁. Now back to the other content of your video. What is wrong with people! TAKE YOUR LITTER HOME!!! We thought this country was bad enought but….🙄☹️. Woah! zooming in and out shot of Nick's stripey boxers!…..and we were just having a late breakfast!🤣🤣. Great little campsite, and free.👍we could still learn a lot in this country.Kerp up the great videos guys. 👩🦲👩🦳🐕🐕🐕🚐
8 # Nordvpn mentions. Loved the drone videos and all of it really. Enjoyed the short history lesson on the castle.
It’s pronounced: Naz-er-ay. Emphasis on ‘ay’ 😂😂😂
What a difference from the start!
Loving following along for ‘the quest for land’ 😎awesome video as always guys 😘
nordVPN = 10
10 times you said Nord VPN 🤣 great video guys, what a shame all the garbage around the city and someone wanting money for not scratching you van, don’t even go there people, unbelievable
Your hair looks great . I love the town and food and no wonder you'd like to get land there.
Very good vlog as normal look forward to every Thursday night now to watch your latest, sad that people have no respect for anything human or animal with all the litter they leave behind , Pity there is no community warden around to fine them like they do here, anyway guys how are you coping with the extreme heat? Here in the uk it’s been horrendous and I for one can’t wait for it to go, ( I have respiratory problems and use oxygen 24/7 ) so that I can breathe cool fresh air and not inhale boiling hot air like now , at 11.45 tonight it’s still very hot an uncomfortable, but tomorrow is supposed to be the last day of the heatwave. I was asking you as you are in a smallish van sleeping and also have the 2 dogs so it must be very hot for you all so take care in the heat and look after each other. Hope you find land soon and then you won’t have stress of that no more . Love you guys so thank you for allowing me to join your life’s ( virtually though) take care and god bless ,roll on next instalment 😃