Home Real Estate A tour of the property – Two years of work on our land in Central Portugal

A tour of the property – Two years of work on our land in Central Portugal

A tour of the property – Two years of work on our land in Central Portugal

This week a tour of our property, to show the lay-out of the land and what we have done so far.

Some videos you might also like:

Cleaning the well:

Earlier tours:
First tour:
6 months on the land:

Frequently asked questions (costs, location, legality):

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Lea van der Eems
Apartado 001144
EC Zona Industrial Castelo Branco
6001 – 901 Castelo Branco

Music: Epidemic Sound

New here? My name is Lea and I live with my partner Maarten and our toddler Puck on our land in Central Portugal. We left the rat race in the Netherlands in 2018 and moved south in our old campervan. Two years ago we bought land in Portugal that had been abandoned for several decades. After lots of hard work we now live in a beautiful yurt and keep ourselves busy growing our own vegetables as well as producing olive oil, wine and honey on a small scale. This channel documents all the different jobs we have to do, and sometimes some nice footage of this beautiful country we now call home. Want to see more updates? Don’t forget to subscribe!

Email: quintahortavelha@gmail.com



  1. By The Way, another book is “Holistic Management”, it’s the worst written book I’ve ever read, but if you disregard the talking about broad acre farming and cattle farming, go to the “core” which is a Thinking and Management system.

  2. Excellent work , everyone is doing really well . I raise my hat in total respect to all the family , little co,hosts included . Keep going , never give up , onward and upwards . Best wishes from GB . . ONE Amazing family . .

  3. Yes a pond would add on more beautiful to your land. I would love to have a pond in our back yard…someday. your family has almost all you need fruits trees is a big plus! Love it

  4. congratulations on your move! and what you are doing. Some constructive criticism of how you present your information: those of us watching from cities really would love to see 1) more nature shots, less shots of you talking to camera, explaining many details we can see for ourselves without extra commentary. The first rule in writing or filming is "show, don't tell", otherwise you are taxing the viewers patience….especially on youtube, where there are so many thoughtful and well crafted videos we can choose from. I wish you all the success, just put a little more thought into presentation and all will be well with your subscribers tuning in for more!

  5. The best money for tomatoes, at a farmer's market, seem to come from the earliest crop and latest, beyond the point others have tomatoes. I'm wondering if there's a part of your land that would allow you to have earlier and later crops easier.

  6. You can purchase olive oil extractor machines from India which are quite inexpensive compared to what you can purchase in any other country. In Australia people are having no fuss success with "Flow Hive" which is gentle for the bees. It is a Revolutionary Harvesting Technology that provides minimal disturbance to the bees

  7. If you rip the soil with a tractor and one of that deep ripping tools like perpendicular to the slope so much more rainfall will stay in the soil. Search permaculture soil ripping theres quite many videos on that.

  8. Leuk deze vlogjes. Jullie zijn er echt wat moois van aant maken. Ga zo verder👍🏻 wat de put betreft zou ik opteren om iets van een deksel of afdakje erboven te maken, dan verdampt er minder en zakt het water minder snel. Ipv waterholes te graven kan je ook denken aan permacultuur begroeiing aanbrengen op jullie landje. Ook dat houdt het water beter vast in de grond, maar 1 project met een keer he:)

  9. If you want to spare water, transform some old dead trees in to woodchips. It keeps the moist in the ground, and it even can filter some parts of your gray water. It also slowly breaks down into nutrition.

  10. Amazing Blessings you are Creating for your Growing Family. At 13:37 Speaking a beautiful stone home built with your Stone, hemplime and Hemp Blocks ~ like Lego designed. Very very affordable and Fireproof, sustainable and non- toxic for many Lifetimes. Hemp Block International. Check them out, and then begin to imagine.

  11. Lea, I discovered your channel a few weeks ago, and I have binge-watched all the episodes, looking forward to my evenings when I watch you and your lovely family. Maarten is wonderful, always working, trying meet the diverse needs of a family. Your children are gorgeous. Love watching Louis, especially when he seems to be searching for a necklace he has lost ! Sissy is an old lady, who appears to love her peace. We don’t see much of the cats. Miss Mr Hank, but he got above himself. Lovely chickens.
    Will be curious to see your grape harvest, and the bounty from the orchard.
    Brilliant work. I shall be rooting for you all the way. I have already spoken to some friends about you.
    Take good care of yourselves.

  12. If you can get a few pigs and put them where the new pond is and they will harden that clay quickly as they wallow in it they will seal the bottom so it can hold water. Then when they have done their job you can sell them or harvest them. Just an idea I thought I'd put it out here… Be blessed in Jesus name… BBE…


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