Home Real Estate Adele – Easy on me – Lisa | The Voice 2022 | Blind Audition

Adele – Easy on me – Lisa | The Voice 2022 | Blind Audition

Adele – Easy on me – Lisa | The Voice 2022 | Blind Audition

Audition à l’aveugle : Lisa chante Easy on me de Adele. Réussira-t-elle à faire retourner le fauteuil des coachs Amel Bent, Florent Pagny, Marc Lavoine ou Vianney ?

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The Voice : La Plus Belle Voix est une émission de télévision française de télé-crochet musical diffusée sur TF1. Des chanteurs expérimentés ou novices tentent de séduire le public et les 4 coachs, Amel Bent, Vianney, Florent Pagny et Marc Lavoine lors d’auditions à l’aveugle, de battle et de primes. Présentée par Nikos Aliagas et Karine Ferri, The Voice 2022 est diffusée à partir du 12 février 2022



  1. Origins of music unevidenced. Except it is gift to humanity from God the Creator. Music continues in heaven. Music discontinues in hell.
    Jesus Christ came from heaven to earth for one purpose only – to die on cross for remissions of pre-existing sins of every single person and to resurrect. Jesus Christ providing forgiveness from pre-existing sins for every single person, providing salvation from eternity in hell and providing free entry to eternity in heaven for all who repent of sins in Jesus Christ.
    Don't be a fan of celebrity who does not know you. Be a fan of Jesus Christ who died for you.
    Other side of death is eternity. Eternity in hell where there is no music but wailing and gnashing of teeth. Or eternity in heaven through Jesus Christ and enjoy heavenly music for free.
    Penalty of pre-existing sins already paid by Jesus Christ on The Cross. Accept HIM. Repent sins in Jesus Christ name. Be saved from eternal hell. Enter heaven through Jesus and enjoy music.

  2. I’m sorry I prefer Elise’s performance. I don’t get the hype around her interpretation, she has an interesting tessiture but her technique far from being on point for the voice… especially for high notes. i feel like she just picked that song because it’s popular, and that attracts views obviously she was right

  3. There ain't no gold in this river
    That I've been washin' my hands in forever
    I know there is hope in these waters
    But I can't bring myself to swim
    When I am drowning in this silence
    Baby, let me in

    Go easy on me, baby
    I was still a child
    Didn't get the chance to
    Feel the world around me
    I had no time to choose
    What I chose to do
    So go easy on me

    There ain't no room for things to change
    When we are both so deeply stuck in our ways
    You can't deny how hard I have tried
    I changed who I was to put you both first
    But now I give up

    Go easy on me, baby
    I was still a child
    Didn't get the chance to
    Feel the world around me
    Had no time to choose
    What I chose to do
    So go easy on me

    I had good intentions
    And the highest hopes
    But I know right now
    That probably doesn't even show

    Go easy on me, baby
    I was still a child
    I didn't get the chance to
    Feel the world around me
    I had no time to choose
    What I chose to do
    So go easy on me

  4. Pour moi, elle s'est complètement plantée sur le choix de chanson, et donc, sa prestation… Le "I had good intentions" était terrible. Sa tessiture ne colle pas du tout à la chanson, et elle a pourtant essayé de la chanter comme Adele. On souffre pour elle durant toute la chanson. Elle peut remercier Amel et Vianney qui ont surement perçu des capacités dans d'autres registres… Mais pour moi, c'était raté, et j'ai souffert.

  5. These judges skwsts do the same thing talk amongst themselves leave it to the last minute. Let the really good singers get away then shocked when they've missed the chance. Yes she could sing but not that impressed.


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