Home Immigration Afternoon of first day doing residency at the national museum of contemporary art | MNAC Portugal

Afternoon of first day doing residency at the national museum of contemporary art | MNAC Portugal

Afternoon of first day doing residency at the national museum of contemporary art | MNAC Portugal

Feeling sluggish in the afternoon, after having eaten delicious Moroccan food. This time I went for another 20min sketch of the 1872 sculpture ‘The Exhiled’ by master Soares dos Reis (Portuguese, 1847-1889). It’s unbelievable that he died when he was my age and still managed to produce such masterpieces.

Sinto-me ensonado, após ter almoçado comida marroquina super deliciosa. Desta vez, esbocei durante 20min a escultura “O Desterrado” (1872) do mestre Soares dos Reis (1847-1889). É inacreditável que ele tenha morrido com a minha idade e tivesse deixado obra tão genial.

#mnacportugal #soaresdosreis #museunacionaldeartecontemporanea



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