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We leave van life in Spain behind and cross the border in search of some off grid land in Portugal. But the dream soon becomes a van life nightmare when the temperatures go over 40 degrees! Living in a van is almost impossible for us and our dogs in this heat wave and it doesn’t look like its going to end any time soon!
Have we made a huge mistake coming here in July, will we still be able to look for off grid land in central Portugal.. Its not looking too good for us at the moment as van life becomes unbearable.
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We are Nick and Sarah a couple with our 2 little dogs Dizzee and Charlie we are the exPAWers! We have a passion for CREATIVE FILM MAKING and a LOVE FOR TRAVEL and our plan is to DRIVE ACROSS THE WORLD and to inspire others to follow their dreams.
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We don’t have a NEW MOTORHOME, SELF CONVERTED SPRINTER VAN, VW CAMPERVAN, 4WD OVERLANDING EXPEDITION VEHICLE, or a LUXURY RV but that doesnt stop us! Our 32 year old rusty FORD TRANSIT keeps going and has taken us to 30 countries already.. So stay tuned for many more!
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Go back to the cave town with the pool!
For god sake it's a heat wave grow some
Awww you love your fur babies 🥰
A campsite that nice here in the U.S. would cost $75 to $90 a day. What an amazing bargain.
Hi guys, yes it's pretty warm up here in Alicante, I keep checking the forecast and up in Galicia (A Coruña) it says it's much cooler, my dogs stay in ..in the afternoons, I've given up thinking about camping until the heat passes, take care.
could be worse guys….im back at work in the uk delivering sofas in 80 plus degress this monday and tuesday(im not lookin for sympathy cos i well aware that somewhere in the world there is anuuver bloke deliverin marball table tops}}
Was so looking forward to this weeks vlog but to see poor Charlie unwell was my only downer,the thing is nobody knows the dogs better than you both so I am sure he will be fine and if it I know you both would be the first to get him to a vets,but at the end he looked a lot more perked up so lets hope you get back on track with your plans when the weather is more bearable , here in London it is very hot and forecast to get up to 40s over the next few days ( hate this heat really ) so will be glad when it’s over, nick made us laugh when he said “ sitting here eating a hot salad “ ha ha the wife said to me tell him not to forget to blow on his tomato’s .anyway great vlog again and can’t wait till next weeks one, I wish everyday was a Thursday so we could watch more. You are good at finding lovely cheap campsites they are amazing, and worth the money . Here in the uk a campsite per night is expensive and most only offer a field and toilets. hope things get better now for you both and also Charlie , stay safe both of you and stay positive ,, oh last thing nick should be wearing his madness ( group) trilby to keep cool .see you soon. Jim and Deb
Just wanted to see if there was any feedback for me because I got a new phone send me a text if you get this please call Charlie and dizzy for me
The Portuguese coast is about 10 degrees cooler. Head there for a few weeks and then go back inland when it’s not so brutal. If you’re in central Portugal, head to the Silver Coast. You could easily spend a few weeks there. It’s perfect van-life country. Loads of places to SUP too.
I'm missing the funny bits on the end 😔
Can you plz put them back 😂
I bought some stuff from your amazon account xx
Have a good one xx
Came for the thumbnail, stayed for the content. Reminds me of the old Lonely Planet.
I know that your posting date is after your experiences… but I do hope you did not go into any area where wildfires have happened. Today's high in central west France was 41C at about 3pm French time in full sun and 31c in shade at 18h ….. and we are nowhere near the south of Bordeaux… I know uk has had high temperatures but what we have had for the last month and more with a reprieve between has been extreme and usually is for August. The spring and summmer heatwave ( canicule ), on top of drought ( secheresse ) of summer and last winter…. which also brought ironically the snow melt and so flooding of the local river came very high in April – the accumulation of rocks , trees, logs, etcetera apart from some man made items caused very high flooding earlier this Spring. the highest I have ever witnessed… but not THE highest ever!!!!!!!!
PLEASE take care deciding where to go in Portugal etc…. I totally agree that you should look at land or property or both at extreme weather conditions.. I just read that fires are being fought in LEIRIA…
It is a beautiful country.
I loove your vlog style and you are not greedy for commerce and income and that appeals to me… but of course nothing is for free and you work hard filming and editing… Keep the babies cool!!!!!!!
Much love
It's a hard life aye??
Good move postponing the land search, I honestly do not know how you are coping with the heat. Safety first, look after yourselves and your doggies, go to the coast and have the best of both world`s, hopefully it will be cooler and more bearable for you all. Keep up with the fluids even if you don`t want to eat xx
Love the channel keep up the good work
I had same problem I went to nazare
What a scary time for you all, good plan going to the coast, take care x
What a shame. Scotland freezing
So glad you found a solution to the heat and postpone the land search too. Take care X
Thank you for the trip down memory lane. Remember visiting Serpa in End of April. Crazy hot! Mad dogs went out for bike rides and a walk to see the little brown piggies. Nearly finished us!! But what a beautiful countryside and Town too. Stayed at the Municipal site parked under a tree, met some great folks, and like you, cycled to Lidl. Fantastic. We figured Portugal inland in summer, is not for 'Softies'. Historic Beja was a treat too. Love to check in with your channel every now and then to watch your adventures with the dogs.
Glad to see you’ve found somewhere a little cooler and hope Charlie is ok.
Why not going to the north of portugal? even go to Galicia maybe?
Its roughly six hours drive from the bottom to the top of the country. It's gonna be much cooler in the north than just the coast… maybe it doesnt make that much of a difference, but in spain it definitely does
Can’t believe it’s going to be 40 degrees here in a day or two – hope you get to cool down and the dogs are ok poor things xx
There are cooling pads you can getfor dogs put it in the fridge for an hour then put it down they love it -down here in Greece its not so bad at moment its only 35.c but we also have the strong hot winds called meltemi
Ah Lidle where would we be without a Lidl
Babes you need to get a newer van with air conditioning . Don¨t go to Portugal its on fire .Bless you good luck .
Worried about you all and the heat 😥 the wild fires are really scary 😟 glad Charlie seemed to pick up by the end of the vid.🤗❤️ You take such care and love them so much it's easy to see ❤️😍.
Take care . Stay safe and sending loads of love and hugs to you all. ❤️❤️❤️🤗🤗🤗🥰🥰🥰