There are so many overhyped spots on the planet. This coastline has to be top 3. Underwhelming, crappy beaches, overpriced… I just don't get it. Maybe it's Instagram that keeps this place going?
little help with "gnocchi": "gn" in italian is pronounced like a subtle "ny". Think "lasagna". Also, the vowels and consonants are never combined. "O" in italian is always "long O", as in "oh". So, "gnocchi" is "n-yOH-kee". Two syllables, but the subtle "y" should be heard. Grace S is correct, "ch" in italian is like "K" (this is the same as in most languages that don't have a "K" in the alphabet).
You girls are amazing and are certainly living the dream! Thank you for letting us share in the fun!
Grace shadrack- I need to know what self tanner you are using in the last few minutes of this video! It looks so amazing! Love you!
There are so many overhyped spots on the planet. This coastline has to be top 3.
Underwhelming, crappy beaches, overpriced… I just don't get it. Maybe it's Instagram that keeps this place going?
Hi Grace & Grace.
Love this vid! Please can you tell me what size grace S got her pink and yellow missy empire dress in? The one at the end xx
Where is Grace S’ pink halterneck dress from?! It’s beaut 😍😍😍
Can we please see more prep and pack with me for all your trips, and more hauls of what your bringing and make up tutorials etc 💗✨
the clips are super random and it doesnt really tie together. i love detailed vlogs
i really miss the long vlogs like the ones you made in paris and milan
Where do you guys buy your dresses from?
where did you stay in capri? I'm going next year! loved the vlog <33
Which beaches on the Amalfi coast can you topless tan at? I’m going in September! 🫶🏻🙂
little help with "gnocchi": "gn" in italian is pronounced like a subtle "ny". Think "lasagna". Also, the vowels and consonants are never combined. "O" in italian is always "long O", as in "oh". So, "gnocchi" is "n-yOH-kee". Two syllables, but the subtle "y" should be heard. Grace S is correct, "ch" in italian is like "K" (this is the same as in most languages that don't have a "K" in the alphabet).
You girls are amazing and are certainly living the dream! Thank you for letting us share in the fun!
Dark haired Grace is super cute
Where is grace S’s green satin dress from
Where are Grace Fs earrings from?
I am going to live the same life as you two because I am in love with it omg
que vym.Monster encantan tus videos. Bendiciones hermosa Celina que Dios te cuide donde quiera los mortaleso abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer