Home Real Estate Ambazonia – Cameroun Conflict – University of Porto, Portugal Conference

Ambazonia – Cameroun Conflict – University of Porto, Portugal Conference

Ambazonia – Cameroun Conflict – University of Porto, Portugal Conference

#Ambazonia #Cameroun #AnglophoneCrisis #ADF #ChoAyaba #LucasAsu #UniversityofPorto #PaulBiya #HumanRights #Freedom



  1. Guterres and the UN must END Paul Biya's arrogant and barbaric war on the peaceful people of Ambazonia

    Biya/LRC know, Guterres/UN know that la republique du cameroun invaded, annexed and recolonized Ambazonia (Southern Cameroons) illegally – black on black colonization in Africa. NO UNION TREATY EXITS BETWEEN LA REPUBLIQUE DU CAMEROUN AND AMBAZONIA. Ambazonia (Southern Cameroons) will dialogue with LRC and UN as third party, to discuss, end this illegal invasion, occupation, and recolonization of Ambazonia. If not, LA REPUBLIQUE DU CAMEROUN MUST EXIT TO HER INTERNATIONAL BORDER that exits to this day between these two nations (the UN can confirm the international boundaries between these nations).

    Biya, la BIR and the CPDM in LRC must release His Excellency Sisiku, Pa Nfor Ngala, and all Ambazonian prisoners; political or not. If LRC does not, everywhere in LRC and Ambazonia shall become prisons for enablers from both countries. Since there was NO LEGAL union between Ambazonia (Southern Cameroons) and la république du cameroun, Guterres and the UN must immediately assume his responsibility and end this brutal conflict which biya initiated, and has killed over 30,000 Ambazonians in cold blood…

    Because of UN negligence, double standards, support to despots and dictators, LRC's Biya silently and deceptively invaded, annexed and occupied the Territorial Integrity of Ambazonia like Russia's Putin in Ukraine. La republique du cameroun MUST EXIT Ambazonia to end biya's arrogant and brutal war on the peaceful people of Ambazonia. UN AND GUTERRES MUST END Biya's war… it was declared based on ARROGANCE, BRUTALITY AND DECEPTION not on HISTORICAL FACTS, TRUTH AND THE UN POLICY ON DECOLONIZATION.

    Innocent people are killed everyday because UN/Guterres may be conniving with dictators like biya of la republique du cameroun to annihilate poor, weak, invaded and occupied nations like AMBAZONIA!


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