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American Family In Portugal | Likes & Dislikes

American Family In Portugal | Likes & Dislikes

An American family’s perspective of living in Lisbon Portugal.
We’re gonna tell it how it REALLY is?
#lisbon #familyvlog



  1. Excellent video. I am glad that you mentioned the salaries here in Portugal. You spoke of the 800 euro average salary which does not allow the locals to rent in the major cities. Rents were MUCH lower just 6 years ago. Young people with doctorate degrees, however, can also not afford these new inflated prices. There is a crisis in the health sector now due to the lack of doctors. Many young doctors and nurses go to other countries because the salaries here no longer offer a comfortable life. This year many maternity wards have had to close for periods of 2 to 3 days at a time due to lack of doctors. Women have to be sent by ambulance to the nearest hospital. Recently, a woman had been brought to Santa Maria Hospital in Lisbon. It was too late. She died in childbirth. Emergency rooms in some hospitals also had to close temporarily. The average salary of a doctor is 3500 while a beginning doctor has a salary of 2700. These numbers are BEFORE taxes which in Portugal are quite high. These doctors cannot afford the rents that many people now say are low. They are not low for working Portuguese. Salaries in private hospitals are higher but the prices are also higher and one would need insurance. I would say that the majority of the Portuguese cannot afford the private hospitals.
    The government(s) ignored the people by not regulating the flow of golden visas and D7 visas. It's not just the rental market that has been affected. Anyone that saw houses prices (to purchase) 8 years ago would be astonished today. Thousands of families have had to abandon the major cities in recent years. The situation is dire. Young college educated people that have the means are leaving the country for work elsewhere.
    Many other things in the video I totally understand. Especially mold. Most older buildings are not insulated. Mold forms. I have gotten sick.
    Becoming integrated into Portuguese society is not easy. I understand your family's problems. Even after you learn the language it takes time. They are not extroverted like southern Italians or Spanish. They even have a saying ; "eu não dou confiança". Loosely translated, I don't give confidence or I don't trust. If someone hasn't given you "confiança" they will be externally polite and friendly, but you will not be invited into their circle of friends. It can be frustrating. I have been here for 37 years and am quite fluent in Portuguese. I am integrated so to speak but I know how long it takes. I can imagine that it must be very difficult for teenagers unless they are going to an international school and can make friends with other young people that speak English.

  2. Most of the comments so far have been respectful. Thank you! But there are some people passing judgement on our family dynamic and attacking my husband for his input. My husband is an extrovert, me and the kids are not! 😄 So he jumps in to keep the conversation going. Relax people, don't create drama where there is none! Peace and Love!

  3. My kids and my wife are extreme introverts. I started this channel to encourage my kids to be better speakers as communication is the most important skill in life imo. Any perceptions of me talking over them etc is either to keep the video moving along or because they had nothing to say. 🙏🏿

  4. We never planned to live near Lisbon. We prefer somewhere further away.

    It's ashame that you folks are moving. We would have loved for our families to link up because our kids are longing to make new friends and they are roughly around the same age group minus a couple of years.

    Again, in my opinion Portugal sounds a lot like Mexico because you have to be on your Ps and Qs when rentng or buying a home. There's ALWAYS issues that aren't disclosed until you find out after you move in.

    We were fortunate to have a very good landlord here in Mexico for the three years we've lived here because like Portugal, there are horror stories virtual everywhere you go.

  5. Damn bruh, let the family talk. LMAO!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    We are moving to Portugal the beginning of next year from Las Vegas by way of Mexico. In the process of getting that D7 VISA!

    By-the-way, your family looks a lot like ours and we are moving for the same reasons you folks mentioned.

    Portugal sounds a lot like MEXICO with those dangerous narrow sidewalks, cobble stone roads and plenty of potholes. We call them ankle breakers. lol

  6. Wow, the mold and the dirt. Sewer smells too, yikes. No protections. Bland food, swindlers, taken advantage of Americans. !s a senior citizen I would be up the creek and mad. Shame on them. Sounds like a dog eat dog plays. People in poverty will do some radical drastic things to get with their need just like any other criminal.


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