Home Real Estate Ancient Rock House – Our First Restoration – Where Would YOU Start? #Portugal

Ancient Rock House – Our First Restoration – Where Would YOU Start? #Portugal

Ancient Rock House – Our First Restoration – Where Would YOU Start? #Portugal

This house really dates back & is built into the solid rock…feels like Fred Flintstone would be right at home! It’s going to be quite a restoration & of course we would like to keep as many of the original features as possible.

Ever wondered what would happen if you just sold up & moved out? We did, so we sold up & moved out!

Thank you so much for watching #HowardsPortugal

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We hope that you enjoy coming along on our journey from selling up in the UK to (hopefully) going off-grid in Portugal.

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Music in this video is by Askash Gahndi – thank you for your amazing talent.
We are always looking for original music to accompany our videos – if you would like to be featured, please let us know!

We are looking for “work-away” help – if you’d like to join us for a week or two then please look us up on Facebook. Peace & love to all!



  1. Your new house is GOLD! Try to mantain everything as original as possible.
    That house looks like Medieval/Roman/pre-Roman local lusitanian homestead.
    Maybe is not that old, but all the ancient house looks like old Medieval household.


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