BREAKING NEWS: BALI Visa on Arrival now 60 COUNTRIES. Yep, 60 countries can get visa on arrival to Bali. this is a Bali travel regulation updates, How to travel to Bali now 2022. But for those who want to stay more than 60 days, you have to apply the e-visa B211A
To get B211A visa and sponsor Email me info.whatsupbali@gmail.com
How to Register in Peduli Lindungi Application and the Latest Bali travel regulation
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Custom Declaration.
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What visa do I need to stay 6-8 month?
Can the children come in unvaccinated if under 18 and parents 2 x vaccinated + all have negative test done before they arrive ?
Thanks for share ! 😊
Asalamoaikom for Morocco need visa? If yes witch visa need? Thanks eid mubarak
Hey @ocky Germany have only PCR …? I can’t get RT-PCR ? How ? I can buy PCR normal ? 50€?
Afternoon I had a quick question if I fly from London to Jakarta then to Bali where would i have to apply for VOA and will my partner have to go through immigration at jakarta or Bali if she has the b11 visa?
Hi Ocky thank you so much for all the latest info but when will Indonesia remove the PCR pre departure test (2 x 24 hrs) like Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand etc? Do you think it will happen?
hello i want to go on vacation in bali 2 months the VOA and valid 30 days. Is it easy to take a visa extension for 30 more days?
Hey. I’m Citizen of Sri Lanka. . But currently living in Australia. I hope to come Bali end of next month ( 25 May) . How will this affect on me.
Pak Ocky saya mau nanyak apa WNA yg tidak divaksin boleh masuk?
Hello Ocky!
I need to ask you is that do they do RTPCR on arrival in bali even after 2nd dose of vaccination?
Thanks in advance.
And morocco ??
Hello Ka mau Tanya, klo pkai VOA Dan rencana extend 1 bln gtu. Nah itu book ticket balik/ ke negara lain nya wajib Ga? Krn BLM tau mau ke negara mana stlah Dr Indo. Gtu. Di VOA book ticket balik wajib ya? 🙏
Thank you.