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Singapore vs. Switzerland Which one is better for you?
If you’re a high-net-worth individual looking to lower your taxes while living in a beautiful European country, Switzerland may be a great option for you.
Some may see Switzerland as a bit boring and past its prime as the world’s go-to economic haven, but it is striving to establish itself as a leader in cryptocurrency with pro-crypto policies, maintaining its reputation as a low tax country that protects intellectual property rights, all while still offering top-notch banking services — though not in the spy movie ways of old. It is one of the least corrupt countries in the world, and that is saying something.
Singapore is touted as not only one of the richest countries in the world but also one of the safest and most peaceful. And this year, it ranked 1st in the 2021 Index of Economic Freedom, making it the freest economy in the world.
How does a country reach such a status? By providing low taxes, having good management, and giving people what they want.
And what do people want?
They want to make smart investments and get returns on those investments.
In this video, Andrew compares Switzerland and Singapore and tells you what’s best for you.
00:00 Start
1:00 The Best Banks
1:48 The Best Banks in Switzerland
2:11 Banking in Switzerland
4:20 Banking in Singapore vs. Switzerland
5:44 Minimum Deposit
6:16 How to Invest as a Foreigner
7:24 Banks with the Best Services
Andrew Henderson and the Nomad Capitalist team are the world’s most sought-after experts on legal offshore tax strategies, investment immigration, and global citizenship. We work exclusively with seven- and eight-figure entrepreneurs and investors who want to “go where they’re treated best”.
Work with Andrew:
Andrew has started offshore companies, opened dozens of offshore bank accounts, obtained multiple second passports, and purchased real estate on four continents. He has spent the last 12 years studying and personally implementing the Nomad Capitalist lifestyle.
Our growing team of researchers, strategies, and implementers add to our ever-growing knowledge base of the best options available. In addition, we’ve spent years studying the behavior of hundreds of clients in order to help people get the results they want faster and with less effort.
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DISCLAIMER: The information in this video should not be considered tax, financial, investment, or any kind of professional advice. Only a professional diagnosis of your specific situation can determine which strategies are appropriate for your needs. Nomad Capitalist can and does not provide advice unless/until engaged by you.
Singapore vs. Switzerland. What's better?
Great overview!
Can you open a bank account in Singapore remotely? I tried it and it didn't work
Switzerland lost its credibility when the Swiss Banks immediately gave details of the accounts of Americans when requested by the American government.
As a result of that, people moved their accounts and financial affairs to Singapore.
The answer is obvious. China will not invade Switzerland.
Can’t speak for Singapore but Swiss Banks & culture is definitely not a service oriented culture. I think it’s not that the Swiss are lazy or uninterested it’s just they are not keen on customer service.
Swiss society is fast becoming increasingly Marxist and woke, like EU. But east Asia is NOT.
"Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it." -Maya Angelou
Switzerland debt to GDP ratio is much lower than Singapore
Appreciate the direct information. You are absolutely right about "brand " value…I have been disappointed so often about a "brand" I have lost count. I'm an informed person who doesn't want to get snowed. Again, very much appreciate the information.
Andrew you've helped me so much in my financial and nomadic journies abroad. Cant wait for your book on purchasing international properties to come out 😉
Banking in Cambodia is better
Singapore to much a boys club
Loving the videos. Can you shed light on getting a second passport as a felon? I made a mistake in my youth and am still paying for it, looking to leave the states at some point
"Life is not about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself." -Lolly Daskal
Colorado Springs, CO Housing Prices Crater 18% As Subprime Mortgage Implosion Accelerates
How about HK? Are they still keeping real secrecy?
Where's the banks that they will not block your account just because you transfered a big load of money?
Swiss Banking privacy and secrecy have been in force since as far back as banks can trace their origins, and officially codified as part of Swiss laws, with severe criminal penalties for any violations, since the Swiss Banking Law of 1934. This law was enacted as a direct result of French Socialist-fervor pressure, and German Nazi attempts at intrusion. The Swiss take their clients’ confidentiality quite seriously. Swiss bankers are under strict fiduciary obligation (much like U.S. “attorney-client privilege”) to maintain any information about a client’s account strictly confidential, with the only exceptions being strictly-provable criminal inquiries–and even these are quite rarely granted. This reflects the long-standing tradition of Swiss personal privacy, and any violation of banking secrecy constitutes an offense that by law requires public prosecution and results in official criminal proceedings. Needless to say, these are among the strictest banking confidentiality laws in the world.
Another item worthy of note is that an accusation of tax evasion alone is not sufficient to force a Swiss bank to lift its veil of secrecy. This is because failure to report income or assets is not considered a criminal offense in Switzerland, it is considered a misdemeanor, and hence does not fall under the “provable criminal activity” or criminal intent exceptions that would allow the veil to be lifted. As such, neither the Swiss government, nor any other government, can obtain information about a depositor’s account without first convincing a Swiss judge that a serious crime (felony) has been committed by the depositor that would be punishable by the Swiss Penal Code.
That being said, as a U.S. citizen trying to open a bank account in Switzerland, you may be met with some reluctance. if not outright disdain, by the Swiss banking authorities. Not that they dislike you personally because you're an American, but rather they might view you as not worth the extra trouble because of the predatory rules and practices of the U.S. Treasury Department that follow all Americans regardless of where they park their money. IRS regulations keep on getting more draconian year by year, and, unless you're among the super-rich, the Swiss bankers might consider you as simply not worth the headache vis-a-vis the extra paperwork and compliance rules that accompany you as a U.S. citizen. Sad, but true.
You accurately captured the nature of Swiss folks. So nebulous, oder?
Great News: Putin wants to abolish visa- duty for foreign tourists.
It's good that you've compared SG vs Swiss in the same video. Unlike HKongers who still think SG are their rivals in Banking.
Sepa sucks from CHF… Personally I think UK or CAD offshore banks are better.
The question is can the Swiss hold out against the WEF. I think that was answered when they broke their neutrality and sanctioned Russia.
Don't take this in a "gay way", but what are you eating for breakfast, Sir. You look great. WOW!!!
Are there any countries in Africa that are worth a look for us nomad capitalists? Morocco perhaps?
In Switzerland, park the money in a Cantonal (public) bank: the deposits have unlimited State guarantee (this means that you lose your money only if the Canton, not just the bank, goes bankrupt… not gonna happen in Zürich). Apart from the one in Geneva canton, they don’t have the 100k limit as private banks (UBS, JB, CS, etc.) do.
I have accounts in both countries. Anyone wants to "rent" one account from Singapore or Switzerland, please comment here. Thanks!
There's that joke about Swiss banks where the teller says it's no shame to be poor when someone tries to quietly deposit a million… It's all quite discrete over here. Private bankers do tend to manage assets indeed, and sometimes do lose money… There's a certain way of life here (like it or not) that somehow still tends to work: low inflation of only a few percents while other countries…
Yes sure, Singapore…..but you will be dealing with Singaporean employees, managers who have only rules in their totally conditioned minds.
No flexibility, no vision, no real customer view but rather company indoctrination, limited product offers for investment, extreme burocrazie to the level of stupidity.
With a medium Swiss bank you will get personal friendly service together with intelligent flexibility.
I want the citizens of some country to pay for services I use, but I don't want to pay any tax myself. I want to receive, but not give. Please help me!
Singapore and Switzerland are both "brand" countries for banking. Anyone looked into something less mainstream, preferentially stable and isolated? Something like Australia or New Zealand? If so, please write it here, would be glad to have more info on it. Thanks
Thanks for the break down….. love the Swiss impersonation…lol
Andrew how can Singapore be more open when you can open an account ONLY if your vaccinated ??? 🤔
That's not very open in my opinion !
Since Henderson lives in Malaysia, what percentage of his banking is done in Malaysia?
Don’t bank In Switzerland; it bends backward to satisfy FATCA and IRS .
Passive income is the only way to become millionaire… work on your passive income streams …. a fellow creator, subbed ^^
Long term? I would rather hold an account in Singaporean dollars. The Swiss will suffer the same energy crisis as their European neighbours in the coming months/years which will have serious repercussions on their industry and consequently it will affect the strength of their currency. + Their largest banks such as Credit Suisse and UBS have recently had to reshuffle their leadership after billions in losses on leveraged finance.
if the individual is into crypto Singapore is the best option, regulations are clear AF , and transparent.
No thanks I don't support dictatorships…Swiss banks are the way
My two favorite countries in one title. Amazing :D!
The whole "banks are safe" concept is somewhat misleading, remember Bear and Lehman. Any bank can fall. So don't bet too much on banks.
I wouldn't trust Singaporean judicial system. Let's not forget, Singapore is a dictatorship.
Prestige 😂. The Swiss can go have fun no longer being neutral. Europe is done
Very informative! Thanks for sharing!
Thank you