On September 12, Chief Justice Hinkson of the BC Supreme Court issued his decision in the Canadian Constitution Foundation’s legal challenge to the BC government’s vaccine passport regime. The court dismissed the case as premature, finding that the three individuals who brought the case around medical exemptions had not exhausted their opportunity to apply to the PHO for a medical exemption. As a result of that finding, Justice Hinkson did not resolve the three petitioners’ arguments regarding Charter breaches.
You can read the decision here:
“This result is very frustrating for the Canadian Constitution Foundation and for the three individuals in this case,” said CCF Litigation Director Christine Van Geyn. “My heart goes out to these three women who suffered social isolation and high handed treatment by the BC government because of their disabilities. The government evaded constitutional review in this case by filing evidence that the government was accepting medical exemption applications for conditions beyond those in the limited list in its mandatory application forms, and granting general exemptions despite the PHO orders which stated that only activity-by-activity exemptions would be granted. But this only became known four months later, when CCF’s lawsuit forced the government to file evidence in the case. Essentially, the government defended unconstitutional orders by saying they secretly didn’t actually follow them, and then faulted the petitioners for not having known this.”
“The three women in our case were in an impossible situation. In our view, it is obvious that the BC vaccine passport regime as set out in the PHO orders and the mandatory forms did not have an open category for medical exemptions, and BC healthcare professionals were dissuaded by their regulator from writing letters in support of exemptions, on the basis of the PHO’s own statements that only listed conditions would qualify for an exemption. The result was that these patients could not find physicians who would support writing a letter for their medical exemptions, even when these same physicians would write supportive letters for other purposes. All of this is wrong, frustrating, and extremely disappointing,” concluded Van Geyn.
The CCF is considering an appeal, which would need to be filed within 30 days.
You can learn more about our case by reading our news release, or by watching previous episodes of the Freedom Update:
News Release:
Previous Episodes:
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Read more about the case here:
The CCF is a registered Canadian charity. We were able to do this litigation because of the generosity of donors who supported the case. If you’d like to help support this litigation and the CCF’s other cases, you can make a tax deductible donation here:
Welcome to the death of rule of law. Welcome to legalism.
What's the story on the case against the Federal Liberals? It was support to be brought up in September
I hope people can finally see why the left cannot be allowed to govern. Ever. The only result that will ever manifest is that government is over, rulers are all there will be as they cannot rule themselves,
-and the weak. Will rule. The strong. And they will get us all killed.
Now now… don't be assuming you guys lost yet and quit looking so glum. You tried, you put the issue in the public eye and put the other side on notice. If that court was not influenced then look for errors of law or omissions in the transcripts of the process and law itself, then carry on.
I have always admired your intent and efforts as you engage the social intercourse of influencing behaviour, changing attitudes or restricting fields of activity; win or lose.
Put your chin up, look em straight in the eye with wide open eyes and state your case in a clear politically correct voice and to hell with the butterflies in your stomachs . If that don't work drop the politically correct.
Lot of us on your side of this social intercourse, wish I could donate but as a pensioner I just can not, but I can and do encourage those who can to do so.
Research is why I never got vaxx, I rather fight then to be force to do something, I don't want to do, cause now I'm free as a bird.
OMG! How did the justice manage to make a decision like this?
We need to start putting the names of these practitioners/doctors that are enforcing this shit and let the people deal with them as they may.
BC government suck big hairy mouse toes
Of course we lost. The charter is toilet paper to these people. We are cattle to them.
Thank you Christine and the whole CCF staff, for fighting these dangerous policies. Canada is on a brink of an economic and societal collapse, leaded by a narcissistic elitist and his cronies, backed up by corrupted officials and MSM. Tough days for Freedom and Democracy ahead.
"You are restricted unless we permit you" – guess what other regimes established this approach? Yep, Stalin's, Hitler's, Mao's
I hope there is a way to appeal
The Constitutional Centre is also fighting back as well against the BC Government and for all of Canada, at the Supreme Court
All of our Canadian institutions are captured. We're in a bad place.
Well you are going against liberal government
Absolutely corrupt! Wake up people…the judges, the CEOs are in on it or part of the mass psychosis. You need to do something quickly. Stop being so passive; speak up and use peaceful protest. BTW, have you seen the how Africa has handled and beaten this "plandemic". Well, of course they did: They did not experience as much of the propaganda, and they do not suffer from the plague of blind trust in acadenic authority.
Young otherwise healthy people are dropping dead from heart failure,…the elephant in the room!!…..wake up!!