Home Real Estate Beardson V.S CultureWarCriminal & Ethan Schmidt! YOBA RV EPIC FAIL! Fuentes DISAVOWED AGAIN!

Beardson V.S CultureWarCriminal & Ethan Schmidt! YOBA RV EPIC FAIL! Fuentes DISAVOWED AGAIN!

Beardson V.S CultureWarCriminal & Ethan Schmidt! YOBA RV EPIC FAIL! Fuentes DISAVOWED AGAIN!

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  1. I think the age of consent in Europe was 9 until, like, 1920.

    It was pointed out by a British boomer who was confused by why people act like it's a Muslim only tradition. Apparently that was normal until very recently. Who knew?

  2. We are back to Andy pausing and interrupting every 5 seconds, laughing way too loud and exaggerated for stuff not that funny and you all need to get your prostates checked with how much you need to pee.

  3. I wonder when Nick is going to come to his senses and check Beardson's ego. It's off-putting to most people in AF and isn't conducive to creating the dynamic coalition Nick seeks to create.

    What actual loss would there be if he was gone? He seems to be the one preventing the onboarding of many new streamers and serious political action. Something tells me his greatest contribution to the movement, his "content," won't be missed.


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