Home Real Estate BLACK ADAM Teaser Trailer (2022) DC Heroes

BLACK ADAM Teaser Trailer (2022) DC Heroes

BLACK ADAM Teaser Trailer (2022) DC Heroes

Official Black Adam Movie Teaser Trailer 2022 | Subscribe ➤ | Dwayne Johnson Movie Trailer | Release: 21 Oct 2022 | More
A spin-off from ‘Shazam!’ (2019) centered around the character’s anti-hero nemesis, Black Adam.

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Black Adam (2022) is the new action movie starring Dwayne Johnson, Aldis Hodge and Djimon Hounsou.

Note | #BlackAdam #Teaser Trailer courtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures Germany. | All Rights Reserved. | are affiliate-links. That add no additional cost to you, but will support our work through a small commission. | #KinoCheck®



  1. Im really proud of myself because the movie release date is my birthday date(IM THE ROCK)(THIS IS THE MEN!!!!!THE ROCK!!!!!!!) ROCK IS MY FAVOURITE ACTOR AND FAVOURITE FIGHTER ALL OF TIME 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏼💪🏻💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💪🏻💪🏼💪🏼

  2. More dc mistakes about to happen. While marvel has the most likable actors in Hollywood, dc is just hiring b listers for such important roles that should be shaping the future comicbook & cinema industry. I don't even give 2 shits about the actors playing flash or batman, don't really even know the other actors in the game. How am I going to connect with the DC universe?

  3. Qué cagada de mierda.

    Que molestó, que hayan personas que se aprovechen de trailer de películas que aún no han salido y inventan cualquier subtítulo. Que no cuadra en nada con sus videos

  4. They need to take out the guy that’s playing the flash he’s a piece of shit man breaks into someone’s house says he’s gonna kill them then steals there shit

    Edit- he said “I will burn you and your slut wife”

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  6. Atom Smashers costume & look is totally Different from the Comics 😒In Comics he looks like a Body Builder who justifies his superhero Name Completely. But They changed his Appearance entirely in the Movie comparing to the Comics. DR. Fate got the Exact comic book look but Atom Smasher does Not….


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