Home Real Estate Bloomberg Surveillance 6/08/2022 Global Growth

Bloomberg Surveillance 6/08/2022 Global Growth

Bloomberg Surveillance 6/08/2022 Global Growth

Tom Keene, Jonathan Ferro and Lisa Abramowicz have the economy and the markets “under surveillance” as they cover the latest in finance, economics and investment, and talk with the leading voices shaping the conversation around world markets. This show is simulcast worldwide on Bloomberg Television and Radio.
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  1. The most prudent thing for everyone to do right now is to invest in other sources of income that do not rely on the government. Especially in light of the present global economic crisis. This is still an excellent opportunity to invest in stocks and digital currencies

  2. <Lately, it’s been so rough for me trading on my own because I have had so much losses. I use to trade so well using Demo. I think the real market is manipulated. Please, can anyone help me out or tell me what I’m doing wrong.

  3. +JANUARY VI IRONY: A "State of Affairs" or EVENT that "Seems" DELIBERATELY "Contrary" to "What One Expects" and is "Often" AMUSING as "Result!" Example: EVERYONE That Watches; "Will" Ask Themselves a QUICK "Question", then, WITHOUT "even caring", about the "Answer", have a "Revelation." QUESTION: "Was this REALLY, Meant to be Insurrection?" REVELATION: "I WISH it Would Have Happened." "The WORLD Would have been SPARED Lives, and Suffering." peace +

  4. 정부바뀐지한달..그대로야..도둑들이핸들잡고..
    거래소도buy sell 안돼..부동산도가이드없고


    한국정부도.은행도 겁을상실?인간미상실 !!
    신용불량 은한국정부!!

  5. 👆I'm so glad you came through. You've put a lot of work and experience into this as a Professional and I appreciate you dearly. Thank you for the recovery, you did as you promised; it means a lot for me. I'll forever be grateful

  6. 👆I'm so glad you came through. You've put a lot of work and experience into this as a Professional and I appreciate you dearly. Thank you for the recovery, you did as you promised; it means a lot for me. I'll forever be grateful

  7. Despite the economic downturn, I'm so happy 😃. I have been earning $60,000 returns from my $7000 investment every 13 days ……☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️

  8. The <Bitcoin price has completed several bullish movements over the past week that may confirm a new bullish expansion phase which is about to begin . Eyes are still on what happens above the current local highs, not below, even as BTC price action is up 6% in a week. We cannot predict bottoms, but it was obvious things where getting ready to go down. Why are people JUST NOW realizing the market is bearish? Extremely bearish. Point is, be patient, and just trade to build capital for when we do bottom. Don’t let these institutions destroy you. And my advice, don’t spread yourself thin with too many coins. Market moves as a whole right now, red days mean red days for almost everything, Green Days will be the same. Paper gains and losses are normal throughout the investing cycle. Continue to invest and trade, don’t panic.’. Still love the trading techniques and advice . Digital currencies continue to reshape the world globally. It's hard for anyone who is against it right now. But from a trader's point of view, I think we really need more experts in this field to give newbies a sense of how the community works. I was able to easily increase my portfolio in just trading with Mercal Anderson daily signals growing 1.5 BTC to 4.5 BTC in few week. He daily signals are very accurate and yields a great positive return on investment and he’s available to give assistance to anyone who love crypto trading, you can contact him for inquires and profitable trading systems on Telegram @Macsignals** for any crypto related issues.

  9. Last week, Warren Buffett talked in BBC news about how investors and traders can make millions through Crypto. He also recommended an expert dave_javens_je Wondering if any viewers here are familiar with hIs services.

  10. The mentality that the Fed has on addressing inflation which true numbers that the working class taxpayers have to contend with is more to the tune of fifteen to twenty percent. The scale or speed to raise rates at fifty base points or one half of one penny is equivalent to putting out a forest fire with a garden hose. YOU CAN BE SURE THERE IS NO PAUL VOLCKER IN THIS ARENA OF MENTALLY VACANT LEADERSHIP OR ARE THEY STILL ILLEGALLY INSIDER TRADING AND THE HAVE NOT DONE ENOUGH DAMAGE TO THE COUNTRY.EITHER WAY THE OUTCOME WILL BE DEVESTATING TO THE TAXPAYERS, WHO PAY THE PRICE FOR THIS INSANITY. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO ACCOUNTABILITY OR RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ACTION OR LACK OF THAT OF THE FED

  11. If you think for one second the Democratic party wants to focus on challenging Inflation you must believe donkeys can fly.Example,the higher price per gallon of gasoline or diesel the higher tax revenues and it promotes the Democratic green narrative. Example, inflated home prices provides excuses for reevaluation of property taxes, higher revenues. Example inflated home prices equats to higher mortgage rates for more money for the banks.Example inflated home prices equats to higher insurance premium coverage more money for insurance companies. There is NO MONEY IN DEFLATION and the leadership of tax and spend mentality these Democrats have are the ones responsible for taking food out of your families mouth,that is if you work for a living and not on food stamps or all of the Democratic freebies that are collapsing or great country.Thanks for the Democratic leaders that allows millions of illegal immigrants to enter into the country to be placed on welfare programs at the working men and women's expense of overtaxed paychecks. Give billions of dollars to the Ukraine while women and children go hungry and homeless in our own country. REMEMBER THE DEMOCRATS WERE IN CHARGE OF THIS PLANED MESS WHEN YOU VOTE THIS FALL ELECTION. Maby then the realization of a sound responsible government with sound leadership can direct our ship of state off the rocks that the so called PROGRESSIVES have placed us on.

  12. Your< explanation is realistic and straight to the point. On the other hand there are many ways of manipulating the market. I am glad as a small investor, that I am putting my hard earned savings into the most, better said the only transparent market there is day trading. Big Thanks to Thomas Jack for helping me gain over 7BTC with his method lately.

  13. The <Bitcoin price has completed several pumps and dumps movements over the past week that may confirm a new bullish expansion phase which is about to begin . Eyes are still on what happens above the current local highs, not below, even as BTC price action is up 6% in a week. We cannot predict bottoms, but it was obvious things were getting ready to go down. Why are people JUST NOW realizing the market is bearish? Extremely bearish. Point is, be patient, and just trade to build capital for when we do bottom. Don’t let these institutions destroy you. And my advice, don’t spread yourself thin with too many coins. Market moves as a whole right now, red days mean red days for almost everything, Green Days will be the same. Paper gains and losses are normal throughout the investing cycle. Continue to invest and trade, don’t panic.’. Still love the trading techniques and advice . Digital currencies continue to reshape the world globally. It's hard for anyone who is against it right now. But from a trader's point of view, I think we really need more experts in this field to give newbies a sense of how the community works. I was able to easily increase my portfolio in just trading with Expect Fadwa Robertson daily signals growing 1.5 BTC to 4 BTC. Her daily signals are very accurate and yields a great positive return on investment and is available to give assistance to anyone who love crypto trading, you can contact her for inquires and profitable trading systems on Telegram @fadwatrade400 OR fadwatrade700 ** for any crypto related issues..

  14. Wednesday, 6/8/2022 was proof that this rally shall be known as The Great Index Short Squeeze of 2022. There is nothing we can do to stop stock markets from rallying to all time highs by end of this year. There is so much bullish confirmation on all the charts, and VIX is collapsing. Market makers have been paying holders of UVXY puts for months and months. It has never been this easy to make money for real, market makers WILL pay you to short volatility, especially UVXY. When the stock markets finally make new all time highs in 2022 it shall be known as The Great Early retirement! Stay bullish, short volatility and prosper! We will all quit our 9-5's, lets go bullls and god bless America! (This is not financial advice)

  15. You don't make love to a Crocodile Ms. Merkel. You kill it and make boots from its skin. The blood of Ukraine is on your appeasing, treacherous, weak-willed, collaborationist hands, Ms. Merkel.


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