John Oliver discusses Jair Bolsonaro, how he’s run Brazil as president, how far he might go to maintain power after the upcoming election, and, of course, nunchucks.
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I'm Brazilian, we live In fear thinking what Bolsonaro will do next.
We need someone to translate this to portuguese. Brazilians love when outsiders talks about Brazil, but not every of us understand english.
Man, so glad spoke Portuguese…
John and his crew should study more before saying a lot of nonsenses. The great disaster of Brazil election is a enormous corrupt like Lula to be free to compete. This is a complete shame for us brazilians. He should be in jail. He stole billions (it's correct, billions of Reais) from Brazil. A lot of lies presented in this episode. It's a shame for John and HBO.
I am Brazilian and I voted for Jair Bolsonaro in 2018, I can say with certainty, he is crazy and lunatic.
Pray for us 🙁
It's so sad to be part of the country which has ellected this piece of sh*t. He's a troubled person, irresponsible, inhumane, liar and unprepared. This man is a maniac who has turned his supporters into lunatics.
Thanks for this episode, the world needs to know who we are dealing with.
And John, you're amazing! 🥷
fake news!
You misinform the world.
This mass that supports him is the majority of the Brazilian people, in other words, democracy in motion
Leftists are so scared! Brazil finally has a real president! Hit pieces like this are BS, the Left can keep WOKE BS, people are rejecting it. This show will be the next to get cancelled!
Electronic voting machines are used in Brazil because they can be manipulated. Rich countries such as SWISS, FRANCE, USA and GERMANY vote in cardboard boxes and paper , which can be checked
People really just love their right wing populists these days! Why bother to try to understand problems when you get on some strongman dick and get all fired up against a scapegoat!
They were experimental vaccines that never proved to be efficient and that the laboratories did not take the risks. JAPAN, a developed country, only started vaccinating almost half a year after Brazil
Take care of your country and stop making a lies because everything you saying is a lies
Brazil is the country that develops better economically because its president acted not to close all trade and industry
It is true that a stupid American actor puts money into NGOs that have already been unmasked as easy-earning agencies with false policies
It is a lie that the Brazilian people are against guns. A plebiscite testified that the people wanted to arm themselves for personal protection. And with the increase in guns in recent years the number of murders has dropped by more than twenty thousand.
Im brazillian, existing it never been so terrifying and depressed as has been the past 4 years. Im deeply exhausted of all this fascist bullshit. I just want it to end, but his supporters wont go away after he's defeated. The politic violence got higher, ppl are being hurted and murdered only bc they're Lula's supporters and our president dont take ANY responsibility for anything. I just wont say that we could survive another 4 years of this asshole bc we already didnt. 700k of us have already died bc of his genocidal negligence of the pandemic.
He doesnt care about any onther being but his family and himself at all
Lula is the lover of dictatorships like CUBA and all the others in the world, where he diverted billions of dollar
Lula is a crook who was imprisoned for years and released by supreme court judges that he himself put in office
This man repeats as a PARROT what the FILFHY MEDIA tries to pass!! What a shame!!!
Bolsonaro might not be good but it's actually much better than Luiz Inácio da Silva known as Lula he is a commie
Bolsonaro is the second worst thing to ever happen to Brazil. First one was the violent military dictatorship from 1964 to 1980. Shameful history. Bolsonaro rises doubts about the voting machines in order to convince his voters he was cheated by his opponents in case he loses — which he probably will! And we don't know the possible consequences of his violent defenders in such atmosphere of fake unfairness, cause they are the militaries, the police, and civilians with guns and the guts for violence. Some people have already been killed by Bolsonaro voters just because they expressed their wish to vote for Lula. Some of us sincerely believe he might bring a dictatorship again. Anyways, I VOTE FOR LULA 2022! 🚩🚩🚩
Being a Brazilian citizen I feel so ashamed for the president we have. It's just a sad moment for being Brazilian.
Relaxa amigo, vamos tirar ele 🙂
Just to make clear. The time he said he would not rape a woman because she didn't deserve was a response to a cazy feminist socialist congresswoman, called Maria do Rosário, who called him a rapist for no reason in the middle of an argument.
Jair Bolsonaro is liar!!
Bananarepublic 🇧🇷
OMG that was hilarious, I just searched what ppl where talking about my country and I was immediately blessed by this masterpiece. The problem is that, is not like we don't have any other candidate running for elections, in fact we have some rlly competent candidates that brazilians are not going to voted to just because they are not showing some strength in the pools.
We are going to win this elections, we, the Brazilian people, are going to take Bolsonaro off the place he should have achieved.
Pray for Brazil
Lula shall win ❤️✊🏽❤️✊🏽❤️✊🏽🇧🇷
As a Brazilian, is also important to say that Lula was responsible for the biggest corruption scheme of the history of the country (or maybe even of the whole history) and was in jail TWICE. So yeah, we are completely fucked on both sides.
As a Brazilian, thank you for dubbing over his speech instead of subtitling it. His voice annoys the shit out of me and I would willingly turn deaf if it meant not having to hear him speaking again. I'm really really grateful.
I've been to the future and I'm back to tell you, mid day October 31st. Brazil will have a military takeover. Balsonaro learned it couldn't be done without friends at the top of the military helping.
It's exactly what would've happened in America if that president wasn't such a 🐈⬛ in reality. And he didn't make 4 deferment's to the military draft during the Vietnam War. Therefore, going into the military, and having Generals with a star for each finger spit on his pledge to your Constitution as well. Helping give his friend the lead to a fascist dictatorship like Brazil will have for Halloween. But the people get tired of the costume after the day and give it back. Giving Balsonaro a salute! 🕊️🖕
You don't know anything about Brazil.
I love you and all, John, but don't talk shit about Ze Gotinha. He's our beloved vaccination mascot. WATCH OUT.
Thank you John, We gonna need that…
Ei @Gregório Duvivier corre aqui! 😀
You ARE the best news.
John, you are a really obedient employee arent you ? deplorable
Voting for Lula once again in Brazil.
O Greg News dos Estados Unidos.
Wishing good luck all braziliens brothers. Greetings from Portugal.
FORA BOLSONARO. #forabolsonaro
OK. Now I really want a Tropical Riot Mountain Dew. It looks delicious. I would buy that in a second.
É fellow Brazilians, chegamos ao fundo do poço mesmo, aonde o povo se divide entre um GENOCIDA POR CONDESCENDÊNCIA E NEGLIGÊNCIA e um LADRÃO CORRUPTO QUE COMANDOU UM DOS MAIORES ESQUEMA DE CORRUPÇÃO DO MUNDO, E ASSASSINO TB, PQ CORRUPÇÃO TAMBÉM MATA. Isso diz bastante sobre nossa moral, nossa ética, enquanto povo, cidadãos. Qualquer um dos outros candidatos deveriam estar na frente desses dois.