In the coming weeks we’ll be picking up our first flock of chickens. In this video we start the process of building their new home – clearing the perfect spot, setting out the foundations and building the majority of the underlying framing for the hen house and chicken run.
In subsequent parts of this series we will install predator proofing, a roof, doors, windows, roosting bars, nest boxes and clad the whole house to give it structure and a nice rustic charm.
If you’re planning a chicken coop build at some point in the future, a full write up of this project (including our design process and 3D sketchup model) will be available to members inside or club: Here you’ll find a whole load of project plans for makers, doers and growers and an active community of practical, creative people from all over the world.
I heard that ducks might be a better option than chickens
You can buy 2030 meats because a year or have enough to feed yourself. Then you get a couple fancy chickens let him run the yard and get the ticks in the bugs.🍻🍻
Have built several coops in my time, this is basically the easiest and same as I’ve done before . Not snake prove, but basically good otherwise. My girls where always very happy . It’s not rocket science, don’t over think it..lol..for the floor, half was wire mesh so the poop could fall threw and make it easier to clean. And helped with venting. Would just line with straw. I think I’d just make a day of drinking wine , eating olives and cheese and going from store to store buying screws 63 at a time, or whatever random number I decided on. It would make for a fun day out! Yes some of us are easily entertained.
Don’t mind a bit of Somersby myself😂😂🇦🇺
Minimal digging and a withering "I know it is, this is how math works", this is the content I'm here for
you are amazing
if you can get creosote in Portugal then treat the wood Red mite dont like it, they get every where and can have a detrimental effect on the flock
Dust bathing and diatemacious earth will also help good luck with it all
Hi both the build looks great so far, I am sure your chickens will love it. Re roosting posts. don't make the mistake of using round rod for roosting posting, chickens have flat pads on their feet and doo better on square roosts as they provide a more comfortable grip. round off the edges but use battens as roosts. I hope that helps D
What has happened to your other channel it has gone quite
That's a Chicken Chateau!
Structural adjustment on the human door: the diagonal struts should be same in both halves of the door, not mirrored, and the lower ends should be on the hinge side.
Well that showed me how to build it professionally! We built a run for our girls this weekend to extend the tractor space, not like this ! 😁 I also discovered my husband cannot put a screw in straight! Might be his glasses though. I managed to rip my hands up stapling and cutting the chicken wire, but it turned out fine in the end. The girls love it. By the way our girls only just old enough to lay never use the roosting perches, they prefer to huddle together in one of the nesting boxes. Daft I know but maybe as they get older they will use them 🙄
You to are amazing
bem vindos a portugal…that's how they do it over ,weird but works,lol…by the way i met your chickens at joe's last friday,they do look cute,lol
Hi. Did you get rid of the Eco and beyond channel?
Certainly turning into a luxury abode with every convenience. The quality of the rough sawn looks very good compared to the stuff my local stores stock. Will the floor need to be proofed against predators digging in ?
Thoes gonna be some really happy chickens 😀
Good idea to increase height for roosting ..they need that .
Great job for a small coop . I would not have more than 3-4 chickens in that size unless you'll let then run free during the day. We have a 40m 2 chicken run and have only 8 chickens and two ducks…
You make laying the breeze block foundations look so easy! We recently did something similar for our greenhouse foundations and it took me a couple of days to get all of them perfectly level 😅 love the progress though, and very jealous! We’ve talked about getting chickens a lot but since we’re trying to make a decision about whether to leave the UK to move to Italy it’s probably not the right time for us.
Looking forward to more chookchook videos! Thanks for sharing.
Question for you. Considering the roosting area isn't a really huge area, do you really need the "ventilation doors" ? I would have thought the triangular vents below the roofing would suffice. Anyway those chooks are going to be living in the lap of luxury.
Why not a melamine floor for super easy clean out of the hen house ( sounds like a brothel) 😆 😂 😅
A chicken coupe on wheels might he a good thing
It would be good to fence the vegetable patch anyway, from other scavengers. 😁
Pretty spesh
Hey guys don’t forget to put chicken wire under the base of the chicken coup. It is cheap insurance against predators that can burrow under the edges of the structure. Also wheels at sides can make it easy to move to give the birds a clean area and vegetation to munch one once they have cleared the initial caged area.
Very good to see how this was made. Glad it is working out well, and I like the size and shape. Looking forward to seeing how it finishes up, and how the chickens take to it. Cheers!😎👍
It nice to see that you guys dont stress over mistakes
Go the drop saw!!
Kylie is a rock. She’s becoming my idol. Wish I could handle the chop saw like she does.
Love to see the truck bed workbench. Most of my work is done on the tailgate of my pickup.
Don't know if anybody suggested this idea but at the bottom in the middle halfway up have thought of putting one piece of wood along so they got somewhere to perch on in the bottom
Hey, just reading the comments below and I thought I would add something as well. Chickens bring in rats, you should look at wiring the floor of the cage to stop them from getting in. You can then lay dirt over the top. irili100 has a great point though regarding chicken tractors, they really help with the health of the soil and reduce rat infestation and promotes the health of your chickens!
Looking very good – much better to be "hoteled up" than "cooped up" – love that you have your chickens welfare 100% at heart…I'd love to live there if I was a chicken. Love from 🥝 land
Your nest box must be lower than the roosts, or the chooks will sleep in the nest boxes, and fill them with poop.
Hard yakka ~ thats the Aussie spirit Kylie!!
Are you putting in sarking (silver foil insulation) under roofing so the girls don’t get too hot while nesting?
Also, don’t forget to put a perimeter of about half metre of mesh dug into the ground and joined to bottom of mesh walls, to stop predators digging under frame. Looking forward to the finished project! 👋 🇦🇺
I have nothing to say really, but I appreciate your content, and wish to help with the yt-algorithms.
Screws & Nails, until the coming of the DIY stores here in UK the ironmonger shops always sold screws, nails, tacks etc, by the pound weight, they were put into thin hession bags of different sizes to carry out, seems odd the count them all, nice job BTW, if I had to be on a team, it would be your wife's.
Looking good! The yard looks so much better than last year! Awesome 👍
Count the screws????
Elsewhere – in Portugal – they weight them!!!
Explanation and sketchup were a great help to understand.
To be honest, understand is fundamental to enjoy what we see.
Excellent project! 🐔🐓🐓🐓Congratulations!
You are turning into professional builders, detailed architect designs, building code approval, careful layout and footings, project management then build and …. sod it doesn't fit. No problemOh! We can bodge it and it will be better. Loved the show and the design 😀😉🤣 😍😍
How far from your outdoor kitchen is the coop/hotel? Many have found that those annoying biting flies are drawn to their chickens.