Home Real Estate Burn in Noise Vs Altruism @ Boom Festival – Portugal 2022 (Full Video)

Burn in Noise Vs Altruism @ Boom Festival – Portugal 2022 (Full Video)

Burn in Noise Vs Altruism @ Boom Festival – Portugal 2022 (Full Video)

An Eyechant Production
Directed by Ben Kirschenbaum (Instagram @benkirschen)
Cam Ops Daniel Vogman, Shira Houminer, Ben Kirschenbaum

This video was created to celebrate the human experience
with the utmost respect for the people lensed,
we hope this resounds and spreads joy An Eyechant Production
Directed by Ben Kirschenbaum
Cam Ops Daniel Vogman, Shira Houminer ,Ben Kirschenbaum

This video was created to celebrate the human experience
with the utmost respect for the people lensed,
we hope this resounds and spreads joy.



  1. Espetáculo como sempre!!! 🤌🏻🫠 Mas confesso que o set da Mandallah foi o melhor da minha vida rsrs 🥰🚀 Estou torcendo com todas as forças pra vcs estarem presentes no UP este ano!!!
    Amo vocês 🫶🏻🕉️


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